Search Search Results You could also try: seem (101), appear (96), gaze (3), stare (4), glance (3), glimpse (4), appearance (7) Vending machines offering convenient STI testing could revolutionise sexual health DescriptionIn a ground-breaking, year-long pilot programme, vending machines dispensing self-test kits for STIs have proven to be anUrl/about/news/2024/02-06-vending-machines-offering-convenient-sti-testing-could-revolutionise-sexual-health.aspx Dr Roelof Joe Stammeijer DescriptionDr Roelof Joe Stammeijer is a Lecturer in Medical Education and Associate Specialist in Forensic Psychiatry at Brighton and Sussex MedicalUrl/about/contact-us/staff/dr-roelof-joe-stammeijer.aspx Staff spotlight: Debbie Miller DescriptionMeet Debbie Miller, Senior Departmental Administrator to the Department of Global Health and Infection and Personal Assistant.Url/about/bsms20/staff-spotlight/debbie-miller.aspx Danya Stone DescriptionDanya Stone is a Lecturer B in Anatomy at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/danya-stone.aspx New partnership aims to engage minoritised groups and improve research participation DescriptionSussex ICS and HRP at BSMS awarded £100,000 from NHS England to work in partnership to engage minoritised groups andUrl/about/news/2023/10-24-new-partnership-aims-to-engage-minoritised-groups-and-improve-research-participation.aspx HRP public adviser advert_ DescriptionHRP public adviser advertUrl/_pdf/research/hrp/hrp-public-adviser-advert-.pdf BSMS psychiatrist features in new documentary on ADHD DescriptionDr Jessica Eccles, Clinical Senior Lecturer at BSMS, features in a new documentary on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Url/about/news/2023/05-04-bsms-psychiatrist-features-in-new-documentary-on-adhd.aspx In Focus - Madeleine Grand DescriptionRead our student interview with Madeleine GrandUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-madeleine-grand.aspx Clinical Trials Unit awarded full registration DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit (BSCTU) at BSMS has been awarded full registration with the UK Clinical Research CollaborationUrl/about/news/2023/02-20-clinical-trials-unit-awarded-full-registration.aspx The UPLIFT Study DescriptionThe UPLIFT Study aims to understand the research priorities for improving quality of life in people living with HIV who haveUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/the-uplift-study.aspx 361 to 370 of 592 Previous … 35 36 37 38 39 … Next