Search Search Results You could also try: concerned (276), occupied (13), implicated (8), complicated (20), complex (246), intricate (9) 'OneSizeFits1 - Every Child is Different' Brighton Fringe festival 2024: Student engagement activities DescriptionWe have teamed up with the local arts charity SameSky to explore how we can use the power of the artsUrl/about/events/2024/03-27-onesizefits1-every-child-is-different-brighton-fringe-festival-2024-online-information-session.aspx The POWER (Promoting improvement in Womens' health and Wellbeing Services for Women) Study in Coastal Communities in the UK DescriptionThis study aims to address three important national and regional healthcare and research challenges to improve women's health and wellbeing servicesUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/marginalised-and-coastal-community-health/the-power-promoting-improvement-in-womens-health-and-wellbeing-services-for-women-study-in-coastal-communities-in-the-uk.aspx Promoting improvement in Women's services in the East Sussex region DescriptionThis study explores the views of women aged 40-65 years who live in East Sussex about whether women's health andUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/marginalised-and-coastal-community-health/promoting-improvement-in-womens-services-in-the-east-sussex-region.aspx Appendix7bConsentformProvidersv1.1 DescriptionAppendix7bConsentformProvidersv1.1Url/_word-docs/the-power/appendix7bconsentformprovidersv1.1.docx Appendix7a.ConsentFormWomenv1.1 DescriptionAppendix7a.ConsentFormWomenv1.1Url/_word-docs/the-power/appendix7a.consentformwomenv1.1.docx Anatomy Night: Matters of the Heart DescriptionJoin us for a very special Valentine's Day event, as our anatomy team explore the scientific wonders of the heart.Url/about/events/2024/02-14-anatomy-valentines-night-matters-of-the-heart.aspx Time for Dementia: Celebrating 10 years DescriptionJoin us for a special webinar commemorating a decade of dedication to dementia awareness, education and support.Url/about/events/2024/03-18-time-for-dementia-celebrating-10-years.aspx SARA DescriptionThe SARA project will focus on delivering semi-automated tools to improve two areas of risk assessment and monitoring.Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/health-data-science/sara.aspx Working here DescriptionFind out about our latest job opportunities including teaching facilitators and anatomy demonstrators.Url/about/working-here/index.aspx Helix of Love: book launch DescriptionJoin us to celebrate the publication of Helix of Love – a collection of poems written by parents of children with rareUrl/about/events/2023/09-21-helix-of-love-book-launch.aspx 361 to 370 of 718 Previous … 35 36 37 38 39 … Next