Search Search Results You could also try: persons (416), folks (6) MDM110 Leading and Transforming Services MODULE DESCRIPTOR September 2012 DescriptionMDM110 Leading and Transforming ServicesUrl/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/mdm110-leading-and-transforming-services-module-descriptor-september-2012.docx Screening for ovarian cancer may save lives, new study suggests DescriptionNew results from an ovarian cancer screening trial, led by UCL, suggests that screening may help reduce the number of deathsUrl/about/news/2015/12-17-screening-for-ovarian-cancer-may-save-lives-new-study-suggests.aspx BSMS moves up league table DescriptionBSMS has continued to improve its rankings in the Guardian university league tables, moving up three places from last year.Url/about/news/2015/05-28-bsms-moves-up-league-table.aspx Widening participation to medicine DescriptionHere at BSMS, we're dedicated to widening participation. Our BrightMed programme seeks to help young people to become tomorrow's doctors.Url/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/widening-participation-to-medicine.aspx Contacts DescriptionMeet the Centre of Dementia Studies team.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/contacts.aspx Meet our team DescriptionRead more about the Clinical Neuroscience team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/meet-the-team.aspx Public Health DescriptionPostgraduate studies in Public Health at BSMS.Url/postgraduate/taught-degrees/public-health.aspx INSPIRE DescriptionWe work closely with the INSPIRE programme on a number activities that get our undergraduate students immersed in the world ofUrl/undergraduate/why-choose-bsms/inspire.aspx Inequalities teaching DescriptionAt BSMS, we aim to help our students develop into the best doctors they can be, working in a patient-centredUrl/undergraduate/our-course/inequalities-teaching.aspx REDUCe2 DescriptionInformation about the REDUCe2 study by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/reduce2.aspx 321 to 330 of 584 Previous … 31 32 33 34 35 … Next