Search Search Results You could also try: mind (182), worry (126), concern (276), trouble (19), problem (316), attention (104) Current studies and feedback DescriptionCurrent studies and feedback with the Brighton and Sussex Joint Clinical Research Office (JCRO).Url/research/support-and-governance/jcro/current-studies-and-feedback.aspx Neuroscience Education DescriptionThe Clinical Neuroscience department members contribute to education broadly, including to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and beyond.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/neuroscience-education.aspx DURATION-UTI DescriptionInformation about the DURATION-UTI study by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/duration-uti.aspx A social itch: an evening of film and social science exploring a neglected infectious disease DescriptionOn 8 November, researchers from BSMS ran a general public film screening and Q&A at the Towner Art Gallery CinemaUrl/about/news/2022/11-17-a-social-itch-an-evening-of-film-and-social-science.aspx £7 million grant will boost research into 'ignored' diseases DescriptionThe Global Health Research Unit at BSMS has been given a boost by an award of £7 million funding over fiveUrl/about/news/2022/01-18-seven-million-pound-grant-will-boost-research-into-ignored-diseases.aspx Dying at home DescriptionA conversation with writer Fiona Mason, end of life doula Li Mills and palliative care consultant Dr Simone Ali, hosted byUrl/about/events/2021/05-13-dying-at-home.aspx More education needed on nutrition for medical students, study finds DescriptionThere is a need for more nutrition within medical education, according to a study led by researchers at BSMS and theUrl/about/news/2020/05-06-more-education-needed-on-nutrition-for-medical-students-study-finds.aspx Astrophysics and AI may offer key to early dementia diagnosis DescriptionCrucial early diagnosis of dementia in general practice could improve thanks to a computer model designed by BSMS and the UniversityUrl/about/news/2019/12-16-astrophysics-and-ai-may-offer-key-to-early-dementia-diagnosis.aspx New £42m funding for net zero research hubs across the UK Description£42m is being invested in game-changing research hubs designed to accelerate the UK's journey to net zero.Url/about/news/2025/03-03-new-funding-for-net-zero-research-hubs-across-the-uk.aspx Dr Rich Gorman DescriptionDr Rich Gorman is a Senior Research Fellow at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/dr-rich-gorman.aspx 321 to 330 of 975 Previous … 31 32 33 34 35 … Next