Search Search Results You could also try: believe (179), reflect (262), imagine (28), feel (419), consider (379), suppose (13), reason (192) Alumni in Focus - Ms Heba Hamami DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with Dr Heba HamamiUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-ms-heba-hamami.aspx BSMS Alumnus receives Wellcome Trust funding to do a PhD in bioethics DescriptionDr Josh Parker discusses his recent Wellcome Trust funding to do a PhD in bioethics at Lancaster University.Url/about/news/2021/07-26-bsms-alumnus-receives-wellcome-trust-funding-to-do-a-phd-in-bioethics.aspx Carers Week 2021 – Making caring visible and valued for genetic conditions through creative writing DescriptionCarers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contributionsUrl/about/news/2021/06-07-carers-week-2021-making-caring-visible-and-valued-for-genetic-conditions-through-creative-writing.aspx East Brighton gets Heart Volunteer Handbook DescriptionEast Brighton gets Heart Volunteer HandbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/east-brighton-gets-heart-volunteer-handbook.pdf Havens Healthy Hearts Volunteer Handbook DescriptionHavens Healthy Hearts Volunteer HandbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/havens-healthy-hearts-volunteer-handbook.pdf Hangleton and Knoll has got Heart volunteer handbook DescriptionHangleton and Knoll has got Heart volunteer handbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/hangleton-and-knoll-has-got-heart-volunteer-handbook.pdf Hastings Healthy Hearts Volunteer Handbook DescriptionHastings Healthy Hearts Volunteer HandbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/hastings-healthy-hearts-volunteer-handbook.pdf In Focus - Pashmina Bhutto DescriptionRead our student interview with Pashmina BhuttoUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-pashmina-bhutto.aspx In Focus - Matt Stavrou DescriptionRead our student interview with Matt StavrouUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-matt-stavrou.aspx First trial of personalised care for children with asthma suggests benefits of prescribing according to genetic differences DescriptionSelecting treatments according to genetic differences could help children and teenagers with asthma, according to research presented by BSMSUrl/about/news/2020/09-08-trial-of-personalised-care-for-children-with-asthma-suggests-benefits-of-prescribing-according-to-genetic-differences.aspx 301 to 310 of 393 Previous … 29 30 31 32 33 … Next