Search Search Results You could also try: existence (10), time (1000), living (636), days (748), years (1000) News and publications DescriptionThe latest news, publications, invited attendances and grants for the Astrodem projectUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/health-data-science/astrodem/news-and-publications.aspx Not just neglected but forgotten. Tackling diseases of poverty in pursuit of UHC: a new strategy for Podoconiosis DescriptionA panel of leading advocates, experts, practitioners, and funders consider the steps necessary to tackle podoconiosis.Url/about/events/2021/05-12-not-just-neglected-but-forgotten.aspx In Focus - Alex Nye DescriptionRead our student interview with Alex NyeUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-alex-nye.aspx NIHR Clinical Research Network DescriptionThe NIHR Clinical Research Network is the clinical research delivery arm of the NHSUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/nihr-clinical-research-network/index.aspx Over The Hill: A Photographic Journey DescriptionOver The Hill: A Photographic Journey was part of the 2012/13 Ethics in Performance series.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-in-performance/2012-12-10-over-the-hill-a-photographic-journey.aspx In Focus - Dan Sims DescriptionRead our student interview with Dan SimsUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-dan-sims.aspx Loud and clear: clear facemasks and visors needed for deaf and hearing impaired people DescriptionBSMS Reader calls for all schools and universities to be aware of the need for clear face masks or PPE forUrl/about/news/2020/06-17-clear-facemasks-and-visors-needed-for-deaf-and-hearing-impaired-people.aspx Jane The Double Jeopardy DescriptionJane The Double JeopardyUrl/_pdf/research/autism-symposium/jane-the-double-jeopardy.pdf Alumni in Focus - Dr Lucy Diss DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with graduate Dr Lucy DissUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-dr-lucy-diss.aspx Astrophysics and AI may offer key to early dementia diagnosis DescriptionCrucial early diagnosis of dementia in general practice could improve thanks to a computer model designed by BSMS and the UniversityUrl/about/news/2019/12-16-astrophysics-and-ai-may-offer-key-to-early-dementia-diagnosis.aspx 301 to 310 of 790 Previous … 29 30 31 32 33 … Next