Search Search Results You could also try: aspire (53), plan (460), intend (131), try (202), mean (371), endeavour (35), point towards (69) Katie Goddard DescriptionKatie Goddard is a Data Access and Governance Co-ordinator at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/contact-us/staff/katie-goddard.aspx Health Inequalities Symposium DescriptionThis BSMS20 research symposium aims to showcase the research being carried out at BSMS and collaborating institutions around Health Inequalities.Url/about/events/2024/05-01-health-inequalities-symposium.aspx BSMS MedSoc DescriptionBSMS MedSoc is run by students, for students, and offers a huge variety of societies, sports clubs and social events.Url/living-here/bsms-medsoc.aspx Amaani Al-Azzawi DescriptionAmaani Al-Azzawi is a Doctoral Researcher at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/amaani-al-azzawi.aspx Resilience+ DescriptionResilience+ uses video diaries to collect stories of resilience among people living with HIV during the Covid-19 pandemic.Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/resilience/index.aspx Brain Fog DescriptionAt Brighton and Sussex Medical School we are conducting research into brain fog in pregnancy and menopause.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/brain-fog.aspx Inflammatory disease and immunity DescriptionInflammatory disease and immunityUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/inflammatory-disease-and-immunity.aspx Looking forwards: working together to formulate the next steps in pain and fatigue research at BSMS DescriptionThis public engagement event aims to shape future directions in pain and fatigue research at BSMS.Url/about/events/2023/09-08-looking-forwards-working-together-to-formulate-the-next-steps-in-pain-and-fatigue-research-at-bsms.aspx Body Donation: Why we still need bodies DescriptionAs part of the Hospice UK's Dying Matters campaign Prof Claire Smith will explore what does and what does not happenUrl/about/events/2023/05-12-body-donation-why-we-still-need-bodies.aspx cisc-project-proposal-form-master-2023 -W. guidelines DescriptionProject Proposal Form with guidelinesUrl/_word-docs/cisc/cisc-project-proposal-form-master-2023-w.-guidelines.docx 301 to 310 of 726 Previous … 29 30 31 32 33 … Next