Search Search Results You could also try: connected (95), linked (488), associated (404), correlated (33), interrelated (13), allied (106) BSMS virtual work experience shortlisted for THE award DescriptionThe Widening Participation and Outreach team at BSMS have been shortlisted for the Times Higher Education (THE) 2021 Awards.Url/about/news/2021/09-09-bsms-virtual-work-experience-shortlisted-for-the-award.aspx Dr Michael Tarzi DescriptionDr Michael Tarzi is Senior Lecturer (Honorary Consultant) in Immunology at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-michael-tarzi.aspx Not just neglected but forgotten. Tackling diseases of poverty in pursuit of UHC: a new strategy for Podoconiosis DescriptionA panel of leading advocates, experts, practitioners, and funders consider the steps necessary to tackle podoconiosis.Url/about/events/2021/05-12-not-just-neglected-but-forgotten.aspx BSMS virtual work experience programme wins award DescriptionThe Widening Participation and Outreach team at BSMS have won the Innovation Award at the UK Social Mobility Awards 2020.Url/about/news/2020/10-09-bsms-virtual-work-experience-programme-wins-award.aspx Alumni news and events DescriptionThe latest news and events for our alumni networkUrl/about/alumni/alumni-news-and-events.aspx Prof Sarah Newbury's research team DescriptionProf Sarah Newbury heads a team engaged in ground-breaking research into the genetic control pathways regulating key cellular processes.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/cancer/prof-sarah-newburys-research-team.aspx The Modern Heart & Narratives of Transplant Surgery DescriptionA lecture exploring the meanings the heart both lost & gained as a result of heart transplant surgery. Part of the EthicsUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-in-performance/2012-05-30-the-modern-heart-and-narratives-of-transplant-surgery.aspx Study provides support for potential new treatment for Motor Neuron Disease DescriptionTreatment with a molecule known as interleukin-2 (IL-2) may help reduce the inflammatory response in Motor Neuron Disease (MNDUrl/about/news/2020/07-07-study-provides-support-for-potential-new-treatment-for-motor-neuron-disease.aspx Sarah Garfinkel Interoceptions and anxiety DescriptionSarah Garfinkel Interoceptions and anxietyUrl/_pdf/research/autism-symposium/sarah-garfinkel-interoceptions-and-anxiety.pdf 3.a. BSMS RGEC FAQ including standard risk review for BSMS v2 Description3.a. BSMS RGEC FAQ including standard risk review for BSMS v2Url/_pdf/research/3.a.-bsms-rgec-faq-including-standard-risk-review-for-bsms-v2.pdf 291 to 300 of 537 Previous … 28 29 30 31 32 … Next