Search Search Results You could also try: teamwork (38), partnership (328), group effort (89), association (233), alliance (44), relationship (257) HEKSS_2015_FLYER Time For Dementia v1 FINAL DescriptionTime For Dementia flyerUrl/_pdf/cds/hekss-2015-flyer-time-for-dementia-v1-final.pdf Could brain-training techniques help epilepsy patients control their seizures? DescriptionGroundbreaking BSMS-led research trial being carried out among epilepsy patients who are resistant to drugs is reaping dramatic results.Url/about/news/2015/05-12-could-brain-training-techniques-help-epilepsy-patients-control-their-seizures.aspx BSMS Athena SWAN bronze dept application with action plan DescriptionBSMS Athena SWAN bronze department aware applicationUrl/_pdf/about/bsms-athena-swan-bronze-dept-application-with-action-plan.pdf Professor P Nigel Leigh DescriptionProfessor P Nigel Leigh is Professor of Neurology at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/professor-p-nigel-leigh.aspx Simulation in Clinical Practice DescriptionInformation about studying and applying for our Simulation in Clinical Practice postgraduate course.Url/postgraduate/taught-degrees/simulation-in-clinical-practice.aspx Dr Caroline Ackley DescriptionDr Caroline Ackley is a Senior Research Fellow in Medical Anthropology at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-caroline-ackley.aspx SHCRP PCIE DescriptionThe PCIE are a team of volunteers who provide public advice and input to the Sussex Health & Care Research Partnership throughUrl/research/support-and-governance/shcrp/shcrp-pcie.aspx Public Health Psychology and Prevention DescriptionIn partnership with local authorities, the NHS & advocacy and community groups, our research focuses on preventing ill health and improving healthUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/public-health-psychology-and-prevention/public-health-psychology-and-prevention.aspx Professor Richard McManus DescriptionProfessor Richard McManus is Dean at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/professor-richard-mcmanus.aspx Professor Chakravarthi Rajkumar DescriptionDr Chakravarthi Rajkumar is Chair of Geriatric Care and Stroke Medicine at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/professor-chakravarthi-rajkumar.aspx 291 to 300 of 367 Previous … 28 29 30 31 32 … Next