Search Search Results You could also try: professor (595), academic (645), lecturer (439), associate lecturer (144), visiting lecturer (133), university lecturer (346) BSMS Mag Autumn 2019 web DescriptionBSMS Mag Autumn 2019 webUrl/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-mag-autumn-2019-web.pdf Academic_Training_Prospectus DescriptionAcademic Training ProspectusUrl/_pdf/academic-training-prospectus.pdf Academic_Training_Prospectus DescriptionAcademic training programme prospectusUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/academic-training-prospectus.pdf Marginalisation microbe agenda DescriptionMarginalisation and the microbe conference agendaUrl/_pdf/marginalisation-microbe-agenda.pdf 'No Health without Mental Health' – Mental Health in an Unequal World DescriptionThis talk will delve into some of these issues, arguing that there can be 'no health without mental health'.Url/about/events/2021/10-19-no-health-without-mental-health.aspx Medical School teacher awarded the highest level of professional recognition DescriptionDr Duncan Shrewsbury, Senior Lecturer in General Practice at BSMS, has been awarded the highest level of professional recognition.Url/about/news/2021/09-14-medical-school-teacher-awarded-the-highest-level-of-professional-recognition.aspx Providing good healthcare from the early days of HIV/AIDS to today DescriptionProviding good healthcare from the early days of HIV/AIDS to todayUrl/about/events/2019/12-11-providing-good-healthcare-from-the-early-days-of-hiv-aids-to-today.aspx GP Teachers Meeting DescriptionCome and meet the GP team at BSMS and hear about the opportunities available for general practitioners.Url/about/events/2019/06-26-gp-teachers-meeting.aspx MDM164-dissertation DescriptionMDM164 DissertationUrl/_word-docs/postgraduate/mdm164-dissertation.doc BSMS Magazine 2015 Spring Web DescriptionBSMS Pulse magazine Spring 2015Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-magazine-2015-spring-web.pdf 21 to 30 of 291 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next