Search Search Results You could also try: forecast (18), foresee (2), envisage (26), expect (367), guess (16), calculate (36) News and publications DescriptionThe latest news, publications, invited attendances and grants for the Astrodem projectUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/health-data-science/astrodem/news-and-publications.aspx News and events DescriptionThe latest news and events from the Haematology Research Group at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) and the University ofUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/cancer/sbcr/sussex-blood-cancer-research-news.aspx BSMS Mag Autumn 2018 Low DescriptionBSMS Mag Autumn Winter 2018Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-mag-autumn-2018-low.pdf Simple test could identify bladder cancer patients who won't respond to immunotherapy DescriptionPatients who are unlikely to benefit from a commonly used immunotherapy for bladder cancer could be identified by a simple bloodUrl/about/news/2018/08-20-simple-test-could-identify-bladder-cancer-patients-who-wont-respond-to-immunotherapy.aspx Research in action DescriptionTwo BSMS students discuss their own research interests, which they explored through their Individual Research Projects (IRPs) in Year 4.Url/undergraduate/what-our-students-say/research-in-action.aspx Admissions process DescriptionInformation about the admissions process for studying undergraduate medicine at BSMS.Url/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/admissions-process.aspx Simple blood test could one day diagnose motor neurone disease DescriptionScientists identify a potential pattern within blood which signals the presence of motor neuron disease; a discovery which could improve diagnosisUrl/about/news/2020/06-18-simple-blood-test-could-one-day-diagnose-motor-neurone-disease.aspx Sensory and Motor Neuroscience DescriptionSensory and motor neuroscience at BSMS encompasses research into pain, audition, and motor systems.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/sensory-and-motor-neuroscience.aspx Professor Sarah Garfinkel DescriptionProfessor Sarah Garfinkel is Honorary Professor of Clinical and Affective Neuroscience at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/professor-sarah-garfinkel.aspx Professor Sumita Verma DescriptionProfessor Sumita Verma is Professor of Hepatology at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/professor-sumita-verma.aspx 21 to 30 of 109 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next