Search Search Results You could also try: official (45), proper (24), prescribed (106), recognized (281), strict (22), reserved (50) Assessments DescriptionInformation about the different types of assessments students will encounter on their undergraduate medical degree at BSMS.Url/undergraduate/our-course/assessments.aspx MP on the frontline DescriptionWelcome Lecture and Dinner with Guest Speaker Dr Rosena Allin-Khan.Url/about/events/2022/10-20-mp-on-the-frontline.aspx Inspirational women: Dr Katie Hurt DescriptionMeet Dr Katie Hurt, Consultant Respiratory Physician and Director of Advice at BSMS.Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/dr-katie-hurt.aspx Jane The Double Jeopardy DescriptionJane The Double JeopardyUrl/_pdf/research/autism-symposium/jane-the-double-jeopardy.pdf Brighton and Sussex Joint Clinical Research Office DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Joint Clinical Research Office (JCRO), is an exciting new initiative bringing together two Universities and two localUrl/research/support-and-governance/jcro/brighton-and-sussex-joint-clinical-research-office.aspx BSMS celebrates regulation milestone for Physician Associates DescriptionBSMS proudly joins the Physician Associate (PA) profession in celebrating the landmark introduction of regulation by the General Medical Council (GMCUrl/about/news/2024/12-13-bsms-celebrates-regulation-milestone-for-physician-associates.aspx Chris van Tulleken: Ultra-Processed People – how ultra-processed food took over the world DescriptionChris van Tulleken: Ultra-Processed People – how ultra-processed food took over the world... and what to do about itUrl/about/events/2024/01-25-chris-van-tulleken-ultra-processed-people.aspx Inspirational women: Dr Julia Montgomery DescriptionMeet Dr Julia Montgomery, former Senior Lecturer in Medical Education and Director of Assessment and Feedback at BSMSUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/dr-julia-montgomery.aspx Listening to your heartbeat can help with your feelings DescriptionWork led by researchers at BSMS is investigating how the detection of internal bodily sensations, such as heartbeats, can shape intuitiveUrl/about/news/2018/04-27-listening-to-your-heartbeat-can-help-with-your-feelings.aspx Optimizing the Impacts of National Dementia Strategies UK final submitted 25 4 16 DescriptionOptimizing the Impacts of National Dementia Strategies UK final submitted 25 4 16Url/_pdf/cds/korea-presentations/optimizing-the-impacts-of-national-dementia-strategies-uk-final-submitted-25-4-16.pdf 21 to 30 of 116 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next