Search Search Results You could also try: travel around (58), discover (120), walk around (49), search (127), investigate (235), survey (181) Dr Jessica Eccles DescriptionDr Jessica Eccles is Reader in Brain-Body Medicine at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-jessica-eccles.aspx Our current studies DescriptionWe are currently involved in three studies at the Centre for Dementia Studies.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/our-current-studies.aspx environmental-impact-NHS-devices-report-FINALv2 Descriptionenvironmental-impact-NHS-devices-report-FINALv2Url/_pdf/about/environmental-impact-nhs-devices-report-finalv2.pdf Hub School Information for 22-23 (website) DescriptionInformation poster for Brighton and Sussex Medical School Hub schoolsUrl/_pdf/about/hub-school-information-for-22-23-website.pdf Early Career Researcher Journeys DescriptionRead more about our early career researchers on this dedicated researcher journeys webpage.Url/research/ecr-journeys.aspx Contacts DescriptionMeet the Centre of Dementia Studies team.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/contacts.aspx 'It must be my Hormones!' Hormones and Endocrinology DescriptionIn this talk, Dr Anna Crown, Consultant Endocrinologist at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, will be exploring hormones and endocrinology.Url/about/events/2022/07-06-it-must-be-my-hormones.aspx Global Health: Why should we work together? DescriptionJoin BSMS alumna, Dr Tamara Mulenga, as we explore the topic of global health and the importance of working together.Url/about/events/2021/03-03-global-health-why-should-we-work-together.aspx Dr Gemma Aellah DescriptionDr Gemma Aellah is a Research Fellow in the Department of Global Health and Infection and Personal Assistant at Brighton andUrl/about/contact-us/staff/dr-gemma-aellah.aspx Our course DescriptionExplore the undergraduate course at BSMS as part of our virtual open dayUrl/undergraduate/open-days/virtual-open-day/our-course.aspx 21 to 30 of 558 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next