Search Search Results You could also try: highlight (285), stress (132), accentuate (2), underline (12), underscore (15) 1. Selsey Care Shop_final DescriptionThis project ran by Selsey Care Shop aimed to reduce isolation by offering a range of services and support in theUrl/_pdf/cds/dcin/1.-selsey-care-shop-final.pdf DCIN reports 1. Selsey Care Shop_final DescriptionDCIN report 1Url/_word-docs/cds/dcin-reports-1.-selsey-care-shop-final.docx Dementia Fellowship Programme_Evaluation Summary_updated Jan19 DescriptionDementia Fellowship Programme_Evaluation Summary_updated Jan19Url/_pdf/cds/dcin/dementia-fellowship-programme-evaluation-summary-updated-jan19.pdf BSMS to co-host summer schools to help students from underrepresented backgrounds gain access to medical careers DescriptionBSMS, in partnership with the Kent and Medway Medical School, has been chosen to run one of five Medical Schools CouncilUrl/about/news/2019/11-11-bsms-to-co-host-summer-schools.aspx Study reveals harrowing experiences of misdiagnosis of borderline personality disorder in autistic adults DescriptionResearchers at BSMS have explored the lived experiences of autistic adults who were previously diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).Url/about/news/2024/09-11-study-reveals-harrowing-experiences-of-misdiagnosis-of-borderline-personality-disorder-in-autistic-adults.aspx Personalised simulations predict patient outcomes for blood cancer treatment in breakthrough study DescriptionA new study led by researchers at BSMS has unveiled a approach to predicting the effectiveness of treatments for patients withUrl/about/news/2024/07-11-personalised-simulations-predict-patient-outcomes-for-blood-cancer-treatment-in-breakthrough-study.aspx BSMS hosts webinar at COP26 DescriptionBSMS hosted a virtual panel discussion at the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP26) on Friday 5 November 2021.Url/about/news/2021/11-11-bsms-hosts-webinar-at-cop26.aspx Rates of skin cancer have increased dramatically over recent decades DescriptionIncidence rates of skin cancer have increased more than 550% in males and 250% in females since the early 1980s inUrl/about/news/2021/01-26-rates-of-skin-cancer-have-increased-dramatically-over-recent-decades.aspx MedSoc Article Welcome DescriptionWelcome from the MedSoc president 2020-21Url/_pdf/about/medsoc article welcome.pdf BSMS Athena SWAN Department Application Silver 2017 for public distribution v2 DescriptionBSMS Athena SWAN Department Application Silver 2017 for public distribution v2Url/_pdf/about/bsms-athena-swan-department-application-silver-2017-for-public-distribution-v2.pdf 21 to 30 of 69 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next