Search Search Results You could also try: removal (14), abolition (2), exclusion (37), taking away (91), eradication (3) We must go beyond drugs and therapies to overcome neglected diseases DescriptionTo mark the launch of the WHO NTD Roadmap 2030, Prof Gail Davey writes about the need to go beyond drugsUrl/about/news/2021/01-28-we-must-go-beyond-drugs-and-therapies-to-overcome-neglected-diseases.aspx Global health footwork Descriptionglobal health footwork conference pdfUrl/_pdf/research/global-health-footwork.pdf Dr Mei Trueba DescriptionDr Mei Trueba is a Senior Lecturer in International Development and Global Health at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-mei-trueba.aspx NIHR 5S Foundation DescriptionThe Social Sciences for Severe Stigmatising Skin Conditions (5S) Foundation at BSMS was established in 2019 and will run until AugustUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/nihr-5s-foundation/nihr-5s-foundation.aspx Professor Andrea Pepper (née Buggins) DescriptionProf Andrea Pepper (née Buggins) is Professor of Cancer Biology at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/professor-andrea-pepper.aspx News 2018-19 DescriptionThe news from the Primary Care and Public Health department at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/primary-care/pcph-news 2018-19.aspx News and events - 2018 DescriptionThe news and events in 2018 from the Global Health and Infection team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/global-health-and-infection/ghi-news-and-events/2018-news.aspx Meet our team DescriptionRead more about the Global Health and Infection team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/global-health-and-infection/ghi-team/index.aspx Global Health DescriptionPostgraduate courses at BSMS with lecturers from the University of Sussex's Institute of Development Studies.Url/postgraduate/taught-degrees/global-health.aspx Our research impact DescriptionBSMS researchers are tackling health, wellbeing and care challenges for the benefit of populations locally, nationally and internationally.Url/research/our-research-impact.aspx 21 to 30 of 31 Previous 1 2 3 4 Next