Search Search Results You could also try: clever (7), talented (18), intelligent (10), bright (11), gifted (24), capable (28) BSMS students qualify early to aid coronavirus effort DescriptionFifth year medical students at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) have already taken their final assessments and will soon joinUrl/about/news/2020/04-08-bsms-students-qualify-early-to-aid-coronavirus-effort.aspx Medical school awarded public display Human Tissue Authority licence DescriptionThe Anatomy Laboratory at BSMS has been awarded a Human Tissue Authority Licence for public display.Url/about/news/2019/07-03-medical-school-awarded-public-display-human-tissue-authority-licence.aspx Alumni in Focus - Darrell Gale DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with Darrell GaleUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-darrell-gale.aspx BSMS Magazine 2016 Spring web DescriptionBSMS Magazine 2016 SpringUrl/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-magazine-2016-spring-web.pdf BSMS Magazine 2015 Autumn low DescriptionPulse magazine Autumn 2015Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-magazine-2015-autumn-low.pdf In Focus - Alicia Paessler DescriptionRead our student interview with Alicia PaesslerUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-alicia-paessler.aspx Exploring-Change-in-Leadership-and-Commissioning-of-Health-and-Social-Care DescriptionExploring Change in Leadership and Commissioning of Health and Social CareUrl/_pdf/about/exploring-change-in-leadership-and-commissioning-of-health-and-social-care.pdf Admissions FAQs DescriptionFrequently asked questions about BSMS admissions and entry requirementsUrl/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/faqs-entry-requirements.aspx UCAT Preparation - online talk DescriptionAn online talk designed to provide an introductory overview of the UCAT Admissions test.Url/about/events/2025/04-29-ucat-preparation.aspx Bullying and harassment – anonymous reporting tool DescriptionBSMS is committed to challenging all forms of harassment and discrimination. We encourage students to report incidents they have experienced orUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/bullying-and-harassment-anonymous-reporting-tool.aspx 21 to 30 of 487 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next