Search Search Results You could also try: merits (34), virtues (7) What is a good death? Decolonising end-of-life care DescriptionBook now for Prof Shahaduz Zaman's inaugural lecture: 'What is a good death? Decolonising end-of-life care'.Url/about/events/2025/02-19-prof-shahaduz-zaman-inaugural-lecture.aspx BSMS celebrates regulation milestone for Physician Associates DescriptionBSMS proudly joins the Physician Associate (PA) profession in celebrating the landmark introduction of regulation by the General Medical Council (GMCUrl/about/news/2024/12-13-bsms-celebrates-regulation-milestone-for-physician-associates.aspx New website launched to support people with HIV experiencing memory and thinking challenges DescriptionResearchers at BSMS launch, a new website designed to support people living with HIV who are experiencing memory orUrl/about/news/2024/11-27-new-website-launched-to-support-people-with-hiv-experiencing-memory-and-thinking-challenges.aspx Imaging DescriptionOur research centre is dedicated to developing quantitative neuroimaging techniques for assessing brain function and metabolism under various conditions.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/imaging.aspx Intercalated MSC Medical Education application handbook 24-25 DescriptionIntercalated MSC Medical Education application handbook 24-25Url/_pdf/postgraduate/course-application-handbooks/intercalated-msc-medical-education-application-handbook-24-25.pdf How we can help DescriptionFind out how the Brighton and Sussex Joint Clinical Research Office (JCRO) can help you.Url/research/support-and-governance/jcro/how-we-can-help.aspx Time for Dementia: Celebrating 10 years DescriptionJoin us for a special webinar commemorating a decade of dedication to dementia awareness, education and support.Url/about/events/2024/03-18-time-for-dementia-celebrating-10-years.aspx Improving neurodivergent wellbeing: novel findings from clinical research DescriptionIn February's monthly lecture lecture, Dr Lisa Quadt will talk about research on brain-body interactions in neurodivergent adults.Url/about/events/2024/02-07-improving-neurodivergent-wellbeing-novel-findings-from-clinical-research.aspx Determinants of delays to cancer and dementia diagnosis in the elderly DescriptionThis project will investigate the determinants of late diagnosis of cancer and dementia in elderly people.Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/health-data-science/determinants-of-delays-to-cancer-and-dementia-diagnosis-in-the-elderly.aspx From despair to hope: The past, present and future of HIV medicine DescriptionInaugural lecture from Professor Jaime Vera.Url/about/events/2023/11-22-from-despair-to-hope-the-past-present-and-future-of-hiv-medicine.aspx 281 to 290 of 560 Previous … 27 28 29 30 31 … Next