Search Search Results You could also try: mind (182), worry (126), concern (276), trouble (19), problem (316), attention (104) HRP Partnership News July 2022 v2 DescriptionHRP Partnership News July 2022Url/_pdf/research/hrp/hrp-partnership-news-july-2022-v2.pdf Approvals for NHS-Related Research DescriptionResearch involving NHS service users, their tissue or data requires NHS Research Ethics Committee review from the Health Research Authority (HRAUrl/research/support-and-governance/governance-and-ethics/rgec-hub/approvals-for-nhs-related-research.aspx Professor Collins C Iwuji DescriptionProfessor Collins C Iwuji is a Professor of Global Health and HIV Medicine at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/contact-us/staff/professor-collins-iwuji.aspx Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2022/05-10-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2022/04-20-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2022/03-08-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx Dr Stephanie Russ DescriptionDr Stephanie Russ (BSc MSc PhD) is a Senior Research Associate (SHORE-C) at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-stephanie-russ.aspx Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2022/02-08-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx Hastings Healthy Hearts Volunteer Handbook DescriptionHastings Healthy Hearts Volunteer HandbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/hastings-healthy-hearts-volunteer-handbook.pdf Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2021/06-21-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx 271 to 280 of 975 Previous … 26 27 28 29 30 … Next