Search Search Results You could also try: chance (189), occasion (21), opening (592), break (215), prospect (35) Resilience+ DescriptionResilience+ uses video diaries to collect stories of resilience among people living with HIV during the Covid-19 pandemic.Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/resilience/index.aspx Dr Geoffrey Wells DescriptionDr Geoffrey Wells is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Education and Palliative Medicine.Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-geoffrey-wells.aspx Student Life – What is it like to be a medical student? DescriptionFind out what it is like to be a medical student.Url/about/events/2023/11-07-student-life-what-is-it-like-to-be-a-medical-student.aspx Getting into Medicine - online talk DescriptionAn online talk designed to provide an overview of the admissions processes for medicine as well as the key skills andUrl/about/events/2023/11-02-getting-into-medicine.aspx Journeys in Medicine DescriptionCurrent and former BSMS students are invited to join this special event full of inspiring discussion followed by drinks and nibblesUrl/about/events/2023/10-06-journeys-in-medicine.aspx HRP public adviser role profile DescriptionHRP public adviser role profileUrl/_pdf/research/hrp/hrp-public-adviser-role-profile.pdf Public Health DescriptionPublic health and health data science at BSMSUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/public-health/index.aspx Getting into Medicine - online talk DescriptionAn online talk designed to provide an overview of the admissions processes for medicine as well as the key skills andUrl/about/events/2023/07-10-getting-into-medicine.aspx Student Life – What is it like to be a medical student? DescriptionFind out what it is like to be a medical student.Url/about/events/2023/07-11-student-life-what-is-it-like-to-be-a-medical-student.aspx In Focus - Amelia Duggan DescriptionRead our student interview with Amelia DugganUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-amelia-duggan.aspx 261 to 270 of 660 Previous … 25 26 27 28 29 … Next