Search Search Results You could also try: recognized (281), known (488), acknowledged (68), branded (21), well-known (11) Dr Diana Alcantara DescriptionDr Diana Alcantara Research Fellow at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-diana-alcantara.aspx Families living with dementia wanted for pioneering dementia programme for trainee healthcare professionals DescriptionThe ground-breaking, award-winning Time for Dementia programme is appealing for families affected by dementia to participate.Url/about/news/2019/05-21-families-living-with-dementia-wanted-for-pioneering-dementia-programme.aspx Local families invited to take part in new autism education programme DescriptionFamilies in Brighton and Hove, and across Sussex, are being invited to take part in a ground-breaking new education programmeUrl/about/news/2021/03-26-local-families-invited-to-take-part-in-new-autism-education-programme.aspx Time for Dementia Newsletter 2020 DescriptionTime for Dementia Newsletter 2020Url/_pdf/cds/time-for-dementia-newsletter-2020.pdf Researchers awarded grant by the BBSRC to investigate cell proliferation DescriptionSarah Newbury, Professor in RNA Biology at BSMS, has been awarded funding from the BBSRC to explore cell proliferationUrl/about/news/2020/11-26-researchers-awarded-grant-by-the-bbsrc-to-investigate-cell-proliferation.aspx Researchers win national patient safety award DescriptionResearchers based at BSMS and BSUHT have won a national Health Service Journal Patient Safety award for their ground-breaking toolUrl/about/news/2020/11-13-researchers-win-national-patient-safety-award.aspx Prof Sarah Newbury's research team DescriptionProf Sarah Newbury heads a team engaged in ground-breaking research into the genetic control pathways regulating key cellular processes.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/cancer/prof-sarah-newburys-research-team.aspx More education needed on nutrition for medical students, study finds DescriptionThere is a need for more nutrition within medical education, according to a study led by researchers at BSMS and theUrl/about/news/2020/05-06-more-education-needed-on-nutrition-for-medical-students-study-finds.aspx £3.5m foundation launched in Brighton to fight tropical diseases DescriptionA new foundation to end the neglect of three tropical disease has been launched at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMSUrl/about/news/2020/01-30-multi-million-pound-foundation-launched-in-brighton-to-fight-tropical-diseases.aspx Memojis help frightened children facing nurses in PPE DescriptionA series of stickers has been developed to help staff wearing personal protective equipment to communicate with children while wearing masksUrl/about/news/2020/05-07-memojis-help-frightened-children-facing-nurses-in-ppe.aspx 261 to 270 of 430 Previous … 25 26 27 28 29 … Next