Search Search Results You could also try: known (488), agreed (205), specified (159), prearranged (1), set (547), certain (125) BSMS Campus Meet and Greet DescriptionJoin us in the Medical Teaching Building to meet our current medical students and to explore our beautiful campus!Url/about/events/2024/05-15-bsms-campus-meet-and-greet.aspx Undergraduate Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A panel of current students.Url/about/events/2024/06-15-undergraduate-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx BSMS Campus Meet and Greet DescriptionJoin us in the Medical Teaching Building to meet our current medical students and to explore our beautiful campus!Url/about/events/2024/04-17-bsms-campus-meet-and-greet.aspx Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2024/04-29-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx Staff spotlight: Tim Vincent DescriptionTim Vincent, Senior Learning TechnologistUrl/about/bsms20/staff-spotlight/tim-vincent.aspx Staff spotlight: Neena Shukla Morris DescriptionMeet Neena Shukla Morris, Liaison Librarian.Url/about/bsms20/staff-spotlight/neena-shukla-morris.aspx Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2023/10-31-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx In Focus - Max Budasz DescriptionRead our student interview with Max BudaszUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-max-budasz.aspx In Focus - Amelia Duggan DescriptionRead our student interview with Amelia DugganUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-amelia-duggan.aspx Inspirational women: Paige Gregory DescriptionMeet Paige Gregory, Course Co-ordinator (Clinical and Community Practice).Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/paige-gregory.aspx 261 to 270 of 678 Previous … 25 26 27 28 29 … Next