Search Search Results Multi-million pound award boosts research into neglected tropical diseases DescriptionResearch into neglected tropical diseases that cause suffering among some of the world's poorest communities has been given a much-neededUrl/about/news/2017/07-14-multi-million-pound-award-boosts-research-into-neglected-tropical-diseases.aspx Can we break the link between autism and anxiety? DescriptionCan we break the link between autism and anxiety?Url/about/news/2017/03-30-can-we-break-the-link-between-autism-and-anxiety.aspx 3D printing changes shape of anatomy learning Description3D printing is being used at BSMS to enhance medical students' learning, by allowing them to take away printed 'body parts'Url/about/news/2016/10-14-3d-printing-changes-shape-of-anatomy-learning.aspx Incredible Unlikeliness of Being DescriptionIncredible Unlikeliness of BeingUrl/about/events/2016/10-21-incredible-unlikeliness-of-being.aspx MDM111 - Commissioning for Quality Care DescriptionMDM111 - Commissioning for Quality CareUrl/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/mdm111-commissioning-for-quality-care.doc Endopredict Patient Information Sheet FINAL v2.0 19 March 2015 DescriptionEndopredict Patient Information SheetUrl/_pdf/ctu/endopredict-patient-information-sheet-final-v2.0-19-march-2015.pdf Let's Talk About Death DescriptionAs part of the annual Brighton Festival, BSMS are holding a debate about the taboo subject of death.Url/about/events/2016/05-22-lets-talk-about-death.aspx MDM111 Clinical Commissioning for Quality Care MODULE DESCRIPTOR September 2012 DescriptionMDM111 Clinical Commissioning for Quality CareUrl/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/mdm111-clinical-commissioning-for-quality-care-module-descriptor-september-2012.docx BSMS in pioneering dementia project DescriptionFamilies living with dementia in Surrey and Sussex are being invited to take part in a new project called, Time forUrl/about/news/2015/10-19-bsms-in-pioneering-dementia-project.aspx Parent Information Sheet version 5.0 05-Mar 2015 Final DescriptionOpSal PISUrl/_word-docs/ctu/parent-information-sheet-version-5.0-05-mar-2015-final.doc 231 to 240 of 488 Previous … 22 23 24 25 26 … Next