Search Search Results You could also try: guarantee (52), certify (24), warrant (14) Participant Information Sheet Template (BSMS) updated DescriptionParticipant Information Sheet Template (BSMS) updatedUrl/_word-docs/participant-information-sheet-template-bsms-updated.doc DETERMIND-C19 funding application DescriptionDETERMIND-C19 funding applicationUrl/_pdf/cds/determind-c19-funding-application.pdf Accessibility DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Medical School is committed to enabling as many people as possible to take advantage of higher educationUrl/about/accessibility.aspx BSMS minimum Windows or Mac laptop specification 2020 entry v6 DescriptionBSMS minimum Windows or Mac laptop specification 2020 entry v6Url/_pdf/about/bsms-minimum-windows-or-mac-laptop-specification-2020-entry-v6.pdf Face-to-face HIV testing preferred option by men who have sex with men DescriptionThe majority of men who have sex with men would prefer face-to-face HIV testing by a healthcare professional, aUrl/about/news/2019/04-12-face-to-face-hiv-testing-preferred-option-by-men-who-have-sex-with-men.aspx The use of video conferencing services for research_approved DescriptionThe use of video conferencing services for research_approvedUrl/_pdf/research/the-use-of-video-conferencing-services-for-research-approved.pdf BSMS comes second in the 2019 National Student Survey for medical schools DescriptionStudents have put Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) in second position in the 2019 National Student Survey (NSS) for medicalUrl/about/news/2019/07-03-bsms-comes-second-in-the-2019-national-student-survey-for-medical-schools.aspx BSMS achieves Athena SWAN Silver Award DescriptionBSMS has been recognised for its commitment to gender equality by achieving the Silver Award as part of the Athena SWANUrl/about/news/2018/05-08-bsms-achieves-athena-swan-silver-award.aspx GP waiting rooms should provide better health education materials DescriptionEffectiveness of health education materials in general practice waiting roomsUrl/about/news/2018/10-23-gp-waiting-rooms-should-provide-better-health-education-materials.aspx Medical school top UK institution in Young University Rankings DescriptionBSMS was ranked 47th in the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings, making it the top placed UK institution in theUrl/about/news/2018/06-07-medical-school-top-uk-institution-in-young-university-rankings.aspx 231 to 240 of 493 Previous … 22 23 24 25 26 … Next