Search Search Results You could also try: impossible (19), unfeasible (3), impractical (2), not viable (10) MDM12 Epidemiology 20-21 DescriptionMDM12 Epidemiology 20-21Url/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/mdm12-epidemiology-20-21.docx In Focus - Dan Sims DescriptionRead our student interview with Dan SimsUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-dan-sims.aspx Other minds Williams 2020 DescriptionOther minds Williams 2020Url/_pdf/research/autism-symposium/other-minds-williams-2020.pdf 1. Checklist Tool for BSMS RGEC Applicants June 2020 V1 Description1. Checklist Tool for BSMS RGEC Applicants June 2020 V1Url/_pdf/research/1.-checklist-tool-for-bsms-rgec-applicants-june-2020-v1.pdf Smoking shisha linked to diabetes and obesity, study finds DescriptionSmoking shisha "significantly increases" the risk of users developing diabetes and obesity, a new study has revealed for the first timeUrl/about/news/2019/01-03-smoking-shisha-linked-to-diabetes-and-obesity-study-finds.aspx End is in sight in battle with HIV DescriptionWe are closer than ever to ending the HIV epidemic, said a panel of experts at 'HIV: is victory in sightUrl/about/news/2017/05-12-end-is-in-sight-in-battle-with-hiv.aspx links article DescriptionLinks article Pulse magazine for training and awareness in global healthUrl/_pdf/research/links-article.pdf Sanctuary? scabies and other afflictions along life's pilgrimage DescriptionSanctuary? scabies and other afflictions along life's pilgrimageUrl/about/events/2016/sanctuary-scabies-and-other-afflictions-along-lifes-pilgrimage.aspx Computers can tell if you're bored, new study shows DescriptionA new study, led by Dr Harry Witchel, suggests technology could lead to 'empathetic' robots and reactive on-line learning programmesUrl/about/news/2016/02-23-computers-can-tell-if-youre-bored-new-study-shows.aspx demqol-proxy-questionnaire DescriptionDEMQOL proxy questionnaireUrl/_pdf/cds/demqol-proxy-questionnaire.pdf 221 to 230 of 306 Previous … 21 22 23 24 25 … Next