Search Search Results You could also try: saying (234), motto (1) Inspirational women: Prof Carrie Llewellyn DescriptionMeet Prof Carrie Llewellyn, as part of our 'inspirational women of BSMS' seriesUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/prof-carrie-llewellyn.aspx Covid-19 updates for staff and students DescriptionThis page will feature regular updates from BSMS on the latest return to campus updates for staff and students.Url/about/working-here/covid-updates-for-staff-and-students.aspx In Focus - Purusotha Thambiayah DescriptionRead our student interview with Purusotha ThambiayahUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-purusotha-thambiayah.aspx In Focus - Megan Harrison DescriptionRead our student interview with Megan Harrison, Year 5 at BSMSUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-megan-harrison.aspx MND newsletter October 2020 FINAL v2 DescriptionMND newsletter October 2020Url/_pdf/research/mnd-newsletter-october-2020-final-v2.pdf In Focus - Alicia Paessler DescriptionRead our student interview with Alicia PaesslerUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-alicia-paessler.aspx Jane The Double Jeopardy DescriptionJane The Double JeopardyUrl/_pdf/research/autism-symposium/jane-the-double-jeopardy.pdf Brighton and Sussex Joint Clinical Research Office DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Joint Clinical Research Office (JCRO), is an exciting new initiative bringing together two Universities and two localUrl/research/support-and-governance/jcro/brighton-and-sussex-joint-clinical-research-office.aspx CHAIN UKI: Improving Care for HIV and Ageing DescriptionCHAIN UKI is a dedicated working group focussed on optimising care for older people living with HIV and advancing research inUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/chain-uki.aspx ARPME conference 2021 DescriptionAnti-Racist Practice in Medical Education: Pedagogy and Research: Virtual Conference 2021 event page.Url/about/arpme-conference-2021.aspx 211 to 220 of 261 Previous … 20 21 22 23 24 … Next