Search Search Results You could also try: artificial (34), exaggerated (2), unnatural (1) Multi-million pound award boosts research into neglected tropical diseases DescriptionResearch into neglected tropical diseases that cause suffering among some of the world's poorest communities has been given a much-neededUrl/about/news/2017/07-14-multi-million-pound-award-boosts-research-into-neglected-tropical-diseases.aspx Optimizing the Impacts of National Dementia Strategies UK final submitted 25 4 16 DescriptionOptimizing the Impacts of National Dementia Strategies UK final submitted 25 4 16Url/_pdf/cds/korea-presentations/optimizing-the-impacts-of-national-dementia-strategies-uk-final-submitted-25-4-16.pdf BSMS project in top 20 global development case studies DescriptionThe UK Collaborative on Development Sciences (UKCDS) has included a study by BSMS researchers in its list of top global developmentUrl/about/news/2015/10-01-bsms-project-in-top-20-global-development-case-studies.aspx Exhibition explores the human ecosystem DescriptionThe work of BSMS honorary research fellow Anna Dumitriu will form part of the latest permanent, interactive exhibition at the EdenUrl/about/news/2015/05-21-exhibition-explores-the-human-ecosystem.aspx Do we react differently to natural versus artificial sounds and light? DescriptionWhat impact do art and the natural environment have on wellbeing and health? Hugo Critchley and Mark Ware are attempting toUrl/about/news/2015/05-12-do-we-react-differently-to-natural-versus-artificial-sounds-and-light.aspx ATAS information DescriptionATAS informationUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/atas-information.pdf Academic-Technology-Approval-Scheme-ATAS DescriptionAcademic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)Url/_pdf/academic-technology-approval-scheme-atas.pdf Meet our team DescriptionRead more about the Global Health and Infection team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/global-health-and-infection/ghi-team/index.aspx PhD opportunities DescriptionThe latest PhD opportunities available at BSMS will be advertised here.Url/postgraduate/research-degrees/phd-opportunities.aspx Appendix2bPISwomeninterviewsv1.1 DescriptionAppendix2bPISwomeninterviewsv1.1Url/_word-docs/the-power/appendix2bpiswomeninterviewsv1.1.docx 211 to 220 of 384 Previous … 20 21 22 23 24 … Next