Search Search Results You could also try: old (144), elderly (93), matured (17) Research Catalyst Fund DescriptionThis fund was launched in September 2024 and is generously supported by NHS Sussex and run by the Health and CareUrl/research/support-and-governance/shcrp/research-catalyst-fund.aspx Dr Elle Whitcroft DescriptionDr Elle Whitcroft is a Research Assistant at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-elle-whitcroft.aspx EDI at BSMS DescriptionLearn more about equality, diversity and inclusivity at BSMSUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/edi-at-bsms.aspx Imaging DescriptionOur research centre is dedicated to developing quantitative neuroimaging techniques for assessing brain function and metabolism under various conditions.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/imaging.aspx Neurodivergent children are twice as likely to experience chronic disabling fatigue in adolescence DescriptionChildren who exhibit neurodivergent traits, like those associated with autism & ADHD, are twice as likely to experience chronic disabling fatigue byUrl/about/news/2024/07-23-neurodivergent-children-are-twice-as-likely-to-experience-chronic-disabling-fatigue-in-adolescence.aspx 'OneSizeFits1 - Every Child is Different' DescriptionThis family day will engage young people, patients and their families in creative arts activities around the ideas of personalised medicineUrl/about/events/2024/09-01-onesizefits1-every-child-is-different.aspx In-person student engagement session: 'OneSizeFits1 - Every Child is Different' DescriptionWe have teamed up with the local arts charity SameSky to explore how we can use the power of the artsUrl/about/events/2024/08-29-in-person-student-engagement-session-for-onesizefits1-every-child-is-different.aspx Bringing hope to patients with leukaemia: Unveiling the secrets of blood DescriptionInaugural lecture from Professor Timothy Chevassut.Url/about/events/2024/06-05-bringing-hope-to-patients-with-leukaemia-unveiling-the-secrets-of-blood.aspx 'OneSizeFits1 - Every Child is Different' Brighton Fringe festival 2024: Student engagement activities DescriptionWe have teamed up with the local arts charity SameSky to explore how we can use the power of the artsUrl/about/events/2024/03-27-onesizefits1-every-child-is-different-brighton-fringe-festival-2024-online-information-session.aspx HiFlo ASA DescriptionInformation about the HiFlo ASA study by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/hiflo-asa.aspx 201 to 210 of 407 Previous … 19 20 21 22 23 … Next