Search Search Results You could also try: difference (221), disparity (36), distinction (58), discrepancy (7), deviation (14), variant (33) BSMS Mag Spring 2017 web DescriptionBSMS Pulse magazine spring 2017Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-mag-spring-2017-web.pdf Helix of Love: book launch DescriptionJoin us to celebrate the publication of Helix of Love – a collection of poems written by parents of children with rareUrl/about/events/2023/09-21-helix-of-love-book-launch.aspx Modifiable risk factors in dementia DescriptionThe Cognitive Treatment and Research Unit has a programme of research into modifiable risk factors in dementia such as diet, bloodUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/modifiable-risk-factors-in-dementia.aspx OM posters combined DescriptionOtitis Media Posters CombinedUrl/_pdf/about/events/om-posters-combined.pdf What makes people tic? DescriptionTourette syndrome affects a far larger area of the brain than previously thought, a new study at BSMS showsUrl/about/news/2018/03-23-what-makes-people-tic.aspx 'Survival gene' stops strains of TB mutating into deadly 'superbugs' Description'Survival gene' stops strains of TB mutating into deadly 'superbugs'Url/about/news/2017/01-30-survival-gene-stops-strains-of-tb-mutating-into-deadly-superbugs.aspx PhD opportunities DescriptionThe latest PhD opportunities available at BSMS will be advertised here.Url/postgraduate/research-degrees/phd-opportunities.aspx People with joint hypermobility at increased risk of long COVID, study shows DescriptionPeople with joint hypermobility are 30% more likely to suffer from long COVID, according to a new study by BSMS andUrl/about/news/2024/03-21-people-with-joint-hypermobility-at-increased-risk-of-long-covid-study-shows.aspx Equity DescriptionInvestigating the differences in the severity of mental health diagnosis & care pathways between foreign-born women & their British-born counterparts.Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/equity.aspx Personalised medicine and RNA Biology DescriptionThe importance and impact of RNA Biology is demonstrated by the new COVID-19 RNA vaccine technology recently used by PfizerUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/cancer/personalised-medicine-and-rna-biology.aspx 11 to 20 of 66 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next