Search Search Results You could also try: choose (326), pick (53), choice (178), top quality (63), first-class (14), exclusive (14) INSIGHT masters flyer DescriptionINSIGHT masters flyerUrl/_pdf/research/insight-masters-flyer.pdf Undergraduate Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A panel of current students.Url/about/events/2025/06-07-undergraduate-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx Assessments DescriptionInformation about the different types of assessments students will encounter on their undergraduate medical degree at BSMS.Url/undergraduate/our-course/assessments.aspx Guidance for BSMS Undergraduates and Postgraduate Taught Students DescriptionInformation for all BSMS Undergraduates and Postgraduate Taught Students who are conducting researchUrl/research/support-and-governance/governance-and-ethics/rgec-hub/guidance-for-bsms-undergraduates-and-postgraduate-taught-students.aspx Undergraduate Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A panel of current students.Url/about/events/2024/06-15-undergraduate-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx Undergraduate Open Day - Welcome to BSMS DescriptionA welcome to Brighton and Sussex Medical School followed by a Q&A panel of current students.Url/about/events/2022/06-11-undergraduate-open-day-welcome-to-bsms.aspx Exploring-Change-in-Leadership-and-Commissioning-of-Health-and-Social-Care DescriptionExploring Change in Leadership and Commissioning of Health and Social CareUrl/_pdf/about/exploring-change-in-leadership-and-commissioning-of-health-and-social-care.pdf Developing a code list_7.1 DescriptionA guide to developing code listsUrl/_word-docs/developing-a-code-list-7.1.docx Guidance for supervisors DescriptionIf you are a supervisor, you will be actively involved in the online submission of your student's ethics application.Url/research/support-and-governance/governance-and-ethics/rgec-hub/guidance-for-supervisors.aspx BMBS Moderation Policy revised doc FINAL APRIL 2024.doc DescriptionModeration Policy PDFUrl/_pdf/undergraduate/bmbs-moderation-policy-revised-doc-final-april-2024.doc.pdf 11 to 20 of 353 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next