Search Search Results You could also try: question (641), ask (465), interrogate (4), interview (367), examine (171) Medical Education DescriptionMedical education research at BSMS has developed along with the undergraduate BMBS programme through the Medical Education Unit (MEU).Url/research/medical-education/index.aspx New version of clinical case-based learning resource launched DescriptionA new version of the clinical case-based learning resource Capsule has been released, enhancing usability for both web and mobileUrl/about/news/2021/08-16-new-version-of-clinical-case-based-learning-resource-launched.aspx Section 12(2) Refresher Course past programme DescriptionSection 12(2) Refresher Course previous event programmeUrl/_pdf/cpd/section-122-refresher-course-past-programme.pdf Celebrating the best of British Science DescriptionPersonalised medicine, live anatomy and robotic seals: highlights from the 2017 British Science FestivalUrl/about/news/2017/09-18-celebrating-the-best-of-british-science.aspx Online resources DescriptionAccess to online resources, including research information and images.Url/about/library/online-resources.aspx Bandits, Booby Traps, and Broken Bones: when A&E met Home Alone DescriptionIn December's festive monthly lecture, Dr Luke Tester will explore exactly how the NHS would have managed the menagerie of malaiseUrl/about/events/2023/12-06-bandits-booby-traps-and-broken-bones-when-a-and-e-met-home-alone.aspx BSMS launches new anatomy interface app DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) launches the Anatomy Laboratory Interface (ALI) to assist students with their remote learning of anatomyUrl/about/news/2021/01-07-bsms-launches-new-anatomy-interface-app.aspx A day in the life of an ECR_lockdown diary DescriptionA day in the life of an ECR_lockdown diaryUrl/_pdf/research/a-day-in-the-life-of-an-ecr-lockdown-diary.pdf In Focus - Melis Cobandag DescriptionRead our student interview with Melis Cobandag.Url/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-melis-cobandag.aspx Technology enhanced learning and curriculum design DescriptionTechnology enhanced learning at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/tel/index.aspx 11 to 20 of 45 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next