Search Search Results You could also try: extremely (86), unbelievably (1), amazingly (2), really (275), exceedingly (1), extraordinarily (2) From BrightMed to BSMS – a retrospective DescriptionThree former BrightMed students, Oli, Rabiah, and Enya, who all now study at BSMS, answer questions about their experiences on theUrl/about/news/2022/07-29-from-brightmed-to-bsms-a-retrospective.aspx Students put BSMS third in the 2021 NSS for medical schools DescriptionStudents have put BSMS in third position in the 2021 National Student Survey (NSS) for medical schools, achieving an overall satisfactionUrl/about/news/2021/07-15-students-put-bsms-third-in-the-2021-nss-for-medical-schools.aspx In Focus - Holly Morley DescriptionRead our student interview with Holly MorleyUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-holly-morley.aspx BSMS virtual work experience programme added to Barclays LifeSkills DescriptionThe BSMS Virtual Work Experience (VWEX) programme has been added to the Barclays LifeSkills website as a resource for young peopleUrl/about/news/2020/09-17-bsms-virtual-work-experience-programme-added-to-barclays-lifeskills.aspx Staff spotlight: Joanna Harrison DescriptionMeet Joanna Harrison, Clinical Assessment Manager.Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/pst-spotlights/joanna-harrison.aspx BSMS awarded Athena Swan Gold Award DescriptionBSMS is recognised for its commitment to gender equality in higher education and research by achieving the Gold Award as partUrl/about/news/2023/12-07-bsms-awarded-athena-swan-gold-award.aspx BSMS students involved in project for teaching Ukrainian medics DescriptionThree BSMS students, Kathy Bog, James Chu and Kirsty Lees have been involved in a project to provide medical imaging phantomsUrl/about/news/2023/05-17-bsms-students-involved-in-project-for-teaching-ukrainian-medics.aspx Promoting research through animation DescriptionProf Bobbie Farsides and Dr Rich Gorman have been working with families affected by rare genetic conditions to explore ways ofUrl/about/news/2022/07-21-promoting-research-through-animation.aspx BSMS team attend the Times Higher Education awards 2021 DescriptionThe Widening Participation and Outreach team at BSMS attended the Times Higher Education (THE) awards 2021 on Thursday 25 November inUrl/about/news/2021/11-30-bsms-team-attend-the-times-higher-education-awards-2021.aspx BSMS virtual work experience shortlisted for THE award DescriptionThe Widening Participation and Outreach team at BSMS have been shortlisted for the Times Higher Education (THE) 2021 Awards.Url/about/news/2021/09-09-bsms-virtual-work-experience-shortlisted-for-the-award.aspx 11 to 20 of 53 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next