Search Search Results You could also try: except (31), excluding (66), not including (690), bar (33) BMJO Hepmarc Protocol DescriptionBMJO Hepmarc ProtocolUrl/_pdf/ctu/bmjo hepmarc protocol.pdf Second year perspectives DescriptionFind out what our second year students have to say about studying at BSMS.Url/undergraduate/what-our-students-say/our-students/second-year-perspectives.aspx Bisexual people experience worse health outcomes than other adults in England, national study finds DescriptionBisexual adults report poorer physical and mental health outcomes compared to any other sexuality, new study led by BSMS finds.Url/about/news/2023/07-25-bisexual-people-experience-worse-health-outcomes-than-other-adults-in-england-national-study-finds.aspx ARC KSS Data Science Hub DescriptionFind out more about our ARC KSS Data Science Hub at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/health-data-science/arc-kss-data-science-hub/index.aspx Overseas Research DescriptionStaff & student research that requires ethics review when carried out in the UK is similarly subject to appropriate ethics review whenUrl/research/support-and-governance/governance-and-ethics/rgec-hub/overseas-research.aspx D. Checklist Tool for BSMS RGEC Applicants February 2022 V2 DescriptionD. Checklist Tool for BSMS RGEC Applicants February 2022 V2Url/_pdf/research/d.-checklist-tool-for-bsms-rgec-applicants-february-2022-v2.pdf Checklist Tool for BSMS RGEC Applicants February 2022 V2 DescriptionChecklist Tool for BSMS RGEC Applicants February 2022 V2Url/_pdf/research/checklist-tool-for-bsms-rgec-applicants-february-2022-v2.pdf Advice for Year 1 medical students DescriptionBSMS student Alex Whitworth shares her top tips for the new cohort of medical studentsUrl/undergraduate/open-days/virtual-open-day/advice-for-first-year-medical-students.aspx 1. Checklist Tool for BSMS RGEC Applicants June 2020 V1 Description1. Checklist Tool for BSMS RGEC Applicants June 2020 V1Url/_pdf/research/1.-checklist-tool-for-bsms-rgec-applicants-june-2020-v1.pdf Guidance for BSMS staff DescriptionStaff applications are reviewed by BSMS' Research Governance and Ethics Committee (RGEC) which meets monthly at scheduled meetings.Url/research/support-and-governance/governance-and-ethics/rgec-hub/guidance-for-bsms-staff.aspx 11 to 20 of 31 Previous 1 2 3 4 Next