Search Search Results You could also try: grievance (10), criticism (6), protest (1), grumble (1), moan (2), illness (185) REDUCe PIS Patient Main Version 1.0 - 08 Sept 2015 DescriptionREDUCe PISUrl/_word-docs/ctu/reduce-pis-patient-main-version-1.0-08-sept-2015.docx Patient educator group DescriptionBSMS patient educators are involved in a range of activities, helping our students to develop their communication & professional skillsUrl/about/working-here/patient-educator-group.aspx Online information by cosmetic surgeries provides incomplete information on the complications of breast augmentation DescriptionResearch at BSMS has found that websites by cosmetic surgery providers offer incomplete information to prospective patientsUrl/about/news/2018/09-28-online-information-provides-incomplete-information-on-the-complications-of-breast-augmentation.aspx Endopredict Patient Information Sheet FINAL v2.0 19 March 2015 DescriptionEndopredict Patient Information SheetUrl/_pdf/ctu/endopredict-patient-information-sheet-final-v2.0-19-march-2015.pdf Hangleton and Knoll has got Heart volunteer handbook DescriptionHangleton and Knoll has got Heart volunteer handbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/hangleton-and-knoll-has-got-heart-volunteer-handbook.pdf G. BSMS RGEC Applicant Checklist Tool for Research Conducted Overseas v1 April 2021 DescriptionG. BSMS RGEC Applicant Checklist Tool for Research Conducted Overseas v1 April 2021Url/_word-docs/rgec/g.-bsms-rgec-applicant-checklist-tool-for-research-conducted-overseas-v1-april-2021.docx The Modern Heart & Narratives of Transplant Surgery DescriptionA lecture exploring the meanings the heart both lost & gained as a result of heart transplant surgery. Part of the EthicsUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-in-performance/2012-05-30-the-modern-heart-and-narratives-of-transplant-surgery.aspx Bullying and harassment DescriptionLearn more about the staff and student reporting tools at BSMSUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/bullying-and-harassment.aspx GP-Y1-guide-2024 DescriptionGP teaching guide for Year 1 studentsUrl/_pdf/pcph/gp-y1-guide-2024.pdf Social Media Guidance 2024-25 DescriptionSocial Media Guidance 2024-25Url/_pdf/undergraduate/social-media-guidance-2024-25.pdf 11 to 20 of 49 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next