Search Search Results You could also try: regulate (60), alter (48), correct (68), fine-tune (4), change (631), bend (2) A Day in the Life of a Medical Student DescriptionA Day in the Life of a Medical Student, part of the BSMS Outreach team's lecture series.Url/about/events/2020/03-04-a-day-in-the-life-of-a-medical-student.aspx Medical school top UK institution in Young University Rankings DescriptionBSMS was ranked 47th in the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings, making it the top placed UK institution in theUrl/about/news/2018/06-07-medical-school-top-uk-institution-in-young-university-rankings.aspx Do we react differently to natural versus artificial sounds and light? DescriptionWhat impact do art and the natural environment have on wellbeing and health? Hugo Critchley and Mark Ware are attempting toUrl/about/news/2015/05-12-do-we-react-differently-to-natural-versus-artificial-sounds-and-light.aspx Widening participation to medicine DescriptionHere at BSMS, we're dedicated to widening participation. Our BrightMed programme seeks to help young people to become tomorrow's doctors.Url/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/widening-participation-to-medicine.aspx Delayed cord clamping improves health of babies born too early DescriptionA study by researchers at BSMS finds that delayed, rather than early, cord clamping may reduce the risk of death beforeUrl/about/news/2019/10-02-delayed-cord-clamping-improves-health-of-babies-born-too-early.aspx 'Rubber hand illusion' offers clue to Tourette syndrome DescriptionScientists at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) have used an eerie illusion of having an extra hand to understand TouretteUrl/about/news/2018/11-13-rubber-hand-illusion-offers-clue-to-tourette-syndrome.aspx Clare Castledine DescriptionClare Castledine is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/clare-castledine.aspx Bisexual people experience worse health outcomes than other adults in England, national study finds DescriptionBisexual adults report poorer physical and mental health outcomes compared to any other sexuality, new study led by BSMS finds.Url/about/news/2023/07-25-bisexual-people-experience-worse-health-outcomes-than-other-adults-in-england-national-study-finds.aspx Current Stories in Global Health: Decolonising Global Health DescriptionCurrent Stories in Global Health: Decolonising Global HealthUrl/about/events/2023/04-26-current-stories-in-global-health-decolonising-global-health.aspx BSMS Mag Autumn 2019 web DescriptionBSMS Mag Autumn 2019 webUrl/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-mag-autumn-2019-web.pdf 11 to 20 of 40 Previous 1 2 3 4 Next