Search Search Results You could also try: complete (666), completed (666), ended (467), finished (99), ready (73), prepared (313) Alumni in Focus - Dr Lucy Diss DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with graduate Dr Lucy DissUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-dr-lucy-diss.aspx A day in the life of an ECR_lockdown diary DescriptionA day in the life of an ECR_lockdown diaryUrl/_pdf/research/a-day-in-the-life-of-an-ecr-lockdown-diary.pdf Carers can only care well if they are cared for, conference shows DescriptionCarers can only care well if they are cared for, conference showsUrl/about/news/2017/06-16-carers-can-only-care-well-if-they-are-cared-for-conference-shows.aspx Health Divides: Where you live can kill you, Prof Clare Bambra DescriptionHealth Divides: Where you live can kill you, Prof Clare BambraUrl/about/events/2016/11-24-health-divides-where-you-live-can-kill-you-prof-clare-bambra.aspx BSMS Professor named in New Year's Honours list DescriptionBSMS Professor Lesley Fallowfield has been made a Dame in the New Year's HonoursUrl/about/news/2016/01-04-bsms-professor-named-in-new-years-honours-list.aspx Dean of BSMS's inaugural lecture tackles breast cancer DescriptionLast week Prof Malcolm Reed, Dean of BSMS and Professor of Surgical Oncology, presented his inaugural lecture, 'Breast cancer treatment – whoseUrl/about/news/2015/11-30-dean-of-bsmss-inaugural-lecture-tackles-breast-cancer.aspx Whiplash_patient_information_pack DescriptionWhiplash information packUrl/_pdf/whiplash-patient-information-pack.pdf CTU-costs-data-management DescriptionCTU costs for data managementUrl/_pdf/ctu/ctu-costs-data-management.pdf Inaugural lectures DescriptionOur inaugural lectures take place throughout the academic year and and are the first lecture delivered by a newly-appointed professorUrl/about/working-here/inaugural-lectures.aspx Anti-racism work DescriptionRead more about the anti-racism work at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inclusivity-subgroups/anti-racism-work.aspx 181 to 190 of 348 Previous … 17 18 19 20 21 … Next