Search Search Results You could also try: earth (8), planet (18), globe (30), humanity (64) Dr Hussien Elkholy DescriptionDr Hussien Elkholy is a NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Psychiatry in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at BSMS.Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-hussien-elkholy.aspx Gold for BSMS in Green Impact awards DescriptionBSMS wins gold award in the Green Impact Awards at the University of Sussex, coming first out of all the schoolsUrl/about/news/2024/06-27-gold-for-bsms-in-green-impact-awards.aspx Current Stories in Global Health: Global health careers DescriptionJoin us on Zoom on Wednesday 29 May to explore the exciting world of global health careers.Url/about/events/2024/05-29-current-stories-in-global-health-global-health-careers.aspx Professor Dame Lesley Fallowfield DescriptionProfessor Dame Lesley Fallowfield is Professor of Psycho Oncology at SHORE-C at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/professor-dame-lesley-fallowfield.aspx Knowledge Exchange at BSMS DescriptionWe define Knowledge Exchange as a two-way flow of skills, expertise and information between the Universities of Sussex, BSMS andUrl/research/knowledge-exchange.aspx Maho Order of Service Final DescriptionMaho order of service finalUrl/_pdf/global-health/maho-order-of-service-final.pdf The Metahuman Antithesis: Parables of Neurodivergence in Marvel's X-Men DescriptionIn this lecture, historian and sociologist Tré Ventour-Griffiths will discuss Marvel's X-Men as a neurodivergent cultural text.Url/about/events/2023/05-16-the-metahuman-antithesis-parables-of-neurodivergence-in-marvels-x-men.aspx Anatomy team attend RTS awards and documentary shortlisted for BAFTAs DescriptionThe BSMS anatomy team attended the prestigious Royal Television Society awards on 28 March for their role in the My DeadUrl/about/news/2023/03-31-anatomy-team-attend-rts-awards-and-documentary-shortlisted-for-baftas.aspx Current Stories in Global Health: Stigma and Discrimination DescriptionCurrent Stories in Global Health: Stigma, Discrimination and HealthUrl/about/events/2023/01-25-current-stories-in-global-health-stigma-and-discrimination.aspx Global health and medicines DescriptionIn this talk, Dr Sarah Marshall will be busting some global health myths and talking about social determinants of health.Url/about/events/2022/11-02-global-health-and-medicines.aspx 171 to 180 of 437 Previous … 16 17 18 19 20 … Next