Search Search Results You could also try: additional (245), extra (82), added (312), supplementary (13), advance (380) 2024 Time for Dementia (Autumn) Description2024 Time for Dementia (Autumn)Url/_pdf/cds/2024-time-for-dementia-autumn.pdf Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2024/04-29-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2023/10-31-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx HRP Partnership News July 2022 v2 DescriptionHRP Partnership News July 2022Url/_pdf/research/hrp/hrp-partnership-news-july-2022-v2.pdf Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2023/04-24-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx Journey through the NHS - online talk DescriptionThis session will chart a cancer patient's journey through the NHS from an initial GP visit through to palliative and postUrl/about/events/2022/11-01-journey-through-the-nhs.aspx EYE-2 DescriptionInformation about the EYE-2 study by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/eye-2.aspx RMAS patient info Feb22 DescriptionMemory assessment service: information for patients about remote appointmentsUrl/_pdf/cds/rmas-patient-info-feb22.pdf Dementia Fellowship Programme_Evaluation Summary_updated Jan19 DescriptionDementia Fellowship Programme_Evaluation Summary_updated Jan19Url/_pdf/cds/dcin/dementia-fellowship-programme-evaluation-summary-updated-jan19.pdf Working with human tissue DescriptionThe HTA was set up to regulate the removal, storage, use and disposal of human bodies, organs and tissue for aUrl/research/support-and-governance/working-with-human-tissue/index.aspx 171 to 180 of 607 Previous … 16 17 18 19 20 … Next