Search Search Results You could also try: experienced (961), veteran (2), hardened (7), weathered (32) In Focus - Peter Preston DescriptionRead our student interview with Peter PrestonUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-peter-preston.aspx Professor Bobbie Farsides DescriptionProfessor Bobbie Farsides is Professor of Clinical and Biomedical Ethics at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/professor-bobbie-farsides.aspx DETERMIND-C19 funding application DescriptionDETERMIND-C19 funding applicationUrl/_pdf/cds/determind-c19-funding-application.pdf Making Dreams a Reality - Eliminating Hepatitis C Virus and Improving Symptom Burden in Cirrhosis DescriptionMaking Dreams a Reality - Eliminating Hepatitis C Virus and Improving Symptom Burden in CirrhosisUrl/about/events/2019/10-23-making-dreams-a-reality.aspx MiCare HQ: Measuring and improving care home quality for older people DescriptionBSMS, University of Sussex and PSSRU at University of Kent are collaborating on MiCare HQ, a three-year project to measureUrl/about/events/2019/06-26-micare-hq-measuring-and-improving-care-home-quality-for-older-people.aspx Advert_controls_v2_6Oct2017 with contact details DescriptionAdvert_controls_v2_6Oct2017 with contact detailsUrl/_pdf/research/advert-controls-v2-6oct2017-with-contact-details.pdf Early Career Researcher Journeys DescriptionRead more about our early career researchers on this dedicated researcher journeys webpage.Url/research/ecr-journeys.aspx Neglected tropical diseases DescriptionOur research acts as an international, multidisciplinary, research hub for three Neglected Tropical Diseases: podoconiosis, mycetoma and scabies.Url/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/neglected-tropical-diseases.aspx Current studies and feedback DescriptionCurrent studies and feedback with the Brighton and Sussex Joint Clinical Research Office (JCRO).Url/research/support-and-governance/jcro/current-studies-and-feedback.aspx CATALYST DescriptionCATALYST is a research project that aims to improve the quality and coverage of youth mental health services regionally.Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/public-health/catalyst.aspx 151 to 160 of 371 Previous … 14 15 16 17 18 … Next