Search Search Results You could also try: give (677), offer (490), supply (91), present (419), afford (17), grant (262) 2. Checklist Tool for UG and PGT Supervisors June 2020 V1.pdf Description2. Checklist Tool for UG and PGT Supervisors June 2020 V1.pdfUrl/_pdf/research/2.-checklist-tool-for-ug-and-pgt-supervisors-june-2020-v1.pdf.pdf UK -Korea Symposium 25 Feb - Kevin Mullins NHS England Dementia Policy NHS DescriptionUK -Korea Symposium 25 Feb - Kevin Mullins NHS England Dementia Policy NHSUrl/_pdf/cds/korea-presentations/uk-korea-symposium-25-feb-kevin-mullins-nhs-england-dementia-policy-nhs.pdf Our research impact DescriptionBSMS researchers are tackling health, wellbeing and care challenges for the benefit of populations locally, nationally and internationally.Url/research/our-research-impact.aspx SHCRP news and events DescriptionThe information here will provide regular updates on the SHCRP work as it develops instigating during the phases of the projectUrl/research/support-and-governance/shcrp/shcrp-news-and-events.aspx Diabetes in Primary Care DescriptionPostgraduate courses at BSMS for specialist professional training in Diabetes care.Url/postgraduate/taught-degrees/diabetes-in-primary-care.aspx Pre-Sponsorship Review Panel (PSRP) DescriptionThe Pre-Sponsorship Review Panel (PSRP) will review all research applications prior to the Sponsoring Partner issuing formal Sponsorship.Url/research/support-and-governance/pre-sponsorship-review-panel.aspx Anatomy DescriptionAnatomy is an integral part of the undergraduate medical course and is widely recognised as one of the selling points ofUrl/about/anatomy-lab/index.aspx CRIS resource pack DescriptionCRIS resource packUrl/_pdf/pcph/cris-resource-pack.pdf Multiprofessional Fellowship Simulation Programme DescriptionThe new Multiprofessional Fellowship Programme is supported by Health Education England working across Kent, Surrey and Sussex (HEEKSS) and managed byUrl/postgraduate/continuing-professional-development/bespoke-training-and-commission/multiprofessional-fellowship-programme.aspx My Dead Body documentary and workshop series DescriptionBSMS is to hold a series of public dissection workshops to help the public understand the human form and physiology processesUrl/about/anatomy-lab/documentary-and-workshop-series.aspx 151 to 160 of 1000 Previous … 14 15 16 17 18 … Next