Search Search Results You could also try: everybody (28), every person (112) Presentations: Challenging stereotypes: Novel perspectives on autism DescriptionThe presentations in this symposium seek to challenge stereotyped views of autism, harnessing the lived experience of people with autism.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/presentations-challenging-stereotypes-novel-perspectives-on-autism.aspx My route into medical school and why failing my A-levels was the best thing that happened to me DescriptionYear 1 student Enya Costin reveals why her route into medical school was not simple and why failing her A-levelsUrl/about/news/2021/07-23-my-route-into-medical-school-and-why-failing-my-a-levels-was-the-best-thing-that-happened-to-me.aspx In Focus - Jess Chambers DescriptionRead our student interview with Year 1 student Jess ChambersUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-jess-chambers.aspx What is it like to be interviewed for medical school? Part two DescriptionThree current BSMS students provide their tips and advice on preparing for interview when applying to medical schoolUrl/about/news/2020/11-27-what-is-it-like-to-be-interviewed-for-medical-school-part-two.aspx In Focus - Dan Sims DescriptionRead our student interview with Dan SimsUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-dan-sims.aspx Jane The Double Jeopardy DescriptionJane The Double JeopardyUrl/_pdf/research/autism-symposium/jane-the-double-jeopardy.pdf UK -Korea Symposium 25 Feb - Kevin Mullins NHS England Dementia Policy NHS DescriptionUK -Korea Symposium 25 Feb - Kevin Mullins NHS England Dementia Policy NHSUrl/_pdf/cds/korea-presentations/uk-korea-symposium-25-feb-kevin-mullins-nhs-england-dementia-policy-nhs.pdf REN DescriptionThe national Research Engagement Network Development Programme was launched in 2022 & jointly funded by NHS England & the Department of Health & SocialUrl/research/support-and-governance/shcrp/ren.aspx Inspirational women: Shanu Sadhwani DescriptionMeet Shanu SadhwaniUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/shanu-sadhwani.aspx Inspirational women: Dr Julia Montgomery DescriptionMeet Dr Julia Montgomery, former Senior Lecturer in Medical Education and Director of Assessment and Feedback at BSMSUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/dr-julia-montgomery.aspx 151 to 160 of 185 Previous … 14 15 16 17 18 … Next