Search Search Results You could also try: habits (20), conduct (513), customs (10), behaviour (225), traditions (7) 'Rubber hand illusion' offers clue to Tourette syndrome DescriptionScientists at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) have used an eerie illusion of having an extra hand to understand TouretteUrl/about/news/2018/11-13-rubber-hand-illusion-offers-clue-to-tourette-syndrome.aspx Racial bias in a heartbeat: How the heart may influence the head DescriptionRacial bias in a heartbeat: How the heart may influence the headUrl/about/news/2017/01-17-racial-bias-in-a-heartbeat-how-the-heart-may-influence-the-head.aspx BSMS discusses how to select the best future doctors DescriptionThis week BSMS hosted a one-day conference to explore the kinds of doctors people want and how we can bestUrl/about/news/2015/11-13-bsms-discusses-how-to-select-the-best-future-doctors.aspx Dr Gemma Aellah DescriptionDr Gemma Aellah is a Research Fellow in the Department of Global Health and Infection and Personal Assistant at Brighton andUrl/about/contact-us/staff/dr-gemma-aellah.aspx BSMS Student Advice DescriptionThe BSMS Student Advice team are here to support students with any aspect of their life which is affecting their abilityUrl/about/bsms-student-advice.aspx Dr Nina Lockwood DescriptionDr Nina Lockwood is a Research Fellow in Primary and Community Health Services at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-nina-lockwood.aspx Acute & Emergency Paediatrics Handbook 2024 DescriptionModule handbook for Acute & Emergency Paediatrics in the Paediatrics and Child Health courseUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/acute-emergency-paediatrics-handbook-2024.pdf Depressive symptoms may hasten memory decline in older people DescriptionDepressive symptoms are linked to subsequent memory decline in older people according to a new study at BSMS and UCL.Url/about/news/2024/06-24-depressive-symptoms-may-hasten-memory-decline-in-older-people.aspx Primary Care and Public Health DescriptionOur Primary care and public health (PCPH) department at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/index.aspx Dr Jackie Knight DescriptionDr Jackie Knight is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-jackie-knight.aspx 121 to 130 of 270 Previous … 11 12 13 14 15 … Next