Search Search Results You could also try: criterion (240), benchmark (9), paradigm (26), model (304), norm (14) Online resources DescriptionAccess to online resources, including research information and images.Url/about/library/online-resources.aspx Student Travel and Accommodation Policy Year 4 2024-25 DescriptionStudent Travel and Accommodation Policy Year 4 2024-25Url/_pdf/undergraduate/student-travel-and-accommodation-policy-year-4-2024-25.pdf C. Word Template - BSMS Advanced Research Ethical Review Form - August-2022 DescriptionC. Word Template - BSMS Advanced Research Ethical Review Form - August-2022Url/_word-docs/rgec/c.-word-template-bsms-advanced-research-ethical-review-form-august-2022.docx BSMS RGEC - Best Practice Guidance on Research Conducted Outside the UK v1 April 2021 DescriptionBSMS RGEC - Best Practice Guidance on Research Conducted Outside the UK v1 April 2021Url/_pdf/research/bsms-rgec-best-practice-guidance-on-research-conducted-outside-the-uk-v1-april-2021.pdf Staff and PGRs Advanced Research Ethical Review Form - August-2022 DescriptionStaff and PGRs Advanced Research Ethical Review Form - August-2022Url/_word-docs/rgec/staff-and-pgrs-advanced-research-ethical-review-form-august-2022.docx 6. word-rgec-application-form HIGH risk July 2020 Descriptionword-rgec-application-form HIGH risk July 2020Url/_word-docs/6.-word-rgec-application-form-high-risk-july-2020.docx Entry requirements DescriptionA full list of entry requirements for admission to the Brighton and Sussex Medical School including GCSEs, A Levels and InternationalUrl/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/entry-requirements.aspx REDUCe2 DescriptionInformation about the REDUCe2 study by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/reduce2.aspx Brighton and Sussex CTU DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) has been established in order to provide support and expertise for clinical researchersUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/index.aspx Professor Claire Smith appointed Inspector of Anatomy, Ireland, alongside existing roles DescriptionBSMS congratulates Claire Smith, Professor of Anatomy at BSMS, who has been appointed to a prestigious additional role as Inspector ofUrl/about/news/2024/11-19-professor-claire-smith-appointed-inspector-of-anatomy-ireland-alongside-existing-roles.aspx 121 to 130 of 277 Previous … 11 12 13 14 15 … Next