Search Search Results You could also try: efficient (41), successful (296), useful (192), helpful (111), valuable (124), real (240) Precision maps reveal widespread distribution of disabling neglected tropical disease in Rwanda DescriptionGeographical distribution and prevalence of podoconiosis in Rwanda: a cross-sectional country-wide surveyUrl/about/news/2019/03-27-precision-maps-reveal-widespread-distribution-of-disabling-neglected-tropical-disease-in-rwanda.aspx Students put BSMS fourth in the 2020 NSS for medical schools DescriptionStudents have put Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) in fourth position in the 2020 National Student Survey (NSS) for medicalUrl/about/news/2020/07-15-students-put-bsms-fourth-in-the-2020-nss-for-medical-schools.aspx BSMS projects given funding with JCRO support DescriptionThe Joint Clinical Research Office (JCRO) has been supporting applications by its partner organisations, which includes BSMS, in response to COVIDUrl/about/news/2020/05-28-bsms-projects-given-funding-with-jcro-support.aspx Patient notes could offer solution to the 'missing' Coronavirus diagnoses DescriptionGP's notes currently unavailable to medical researchers could provide clues to help manage major health crises – like COVID-19.Url/about/news/2020/05-26-patient-notes-could-offer-solution-to-the-missing-coronavirus-diagnoses.aspx BSMS Clinical Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Psychiatry symposium DescriptionBSMS Clinical Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Psychiatry symposiumUrl/about/events/2019/04-10-bsms-clinical-neuroscience-and-neuroimaging-psychiatry-symposium.aspx New research group to investigate blood cancers DescriptionA new collaborative research group aims to explore the causes of blood cancers and design new treatments.Url/about/news/2019/01-18-new-research-group-to-investigate-blood-cancers.aspx Brains of people with Tourette syndrome react differently to emotional faces DescriptionThe symptoms experienced by people with Tourette syndrome often get worse in social situations, new research at BSMS findsUrl/about/news/2018/11-05-brains-of-people-with-tourette-syndrome-react-differently-to-emotional-faces.aspx Online information on vaccines and autism not always reliable, study shows DescriptionResearch at BSMS has found that information that is available online can provide unreliable information based on old, 'weak' scientific studiesUrl/about/news/2018/06-05-online-information-on-vaccines-and-autism-not-always-reliable-study-shows.aspx Registration awarded to Clinical Trials Unit DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit is awarded provisional registration from the UK Clinical Research Collaboration Registered CTUs NetworkUrl/about/news/2018/07-18-registration-awarded-to-clinical-trials-unit.aspx Pedagogical Practice in Medical Education DescriptionMDM140 Pedagogical Practice in Medical Education module specificationUrl/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/2018/pedagogical-practice-in-medical-education.docx 111 to 120 of 253 Previous … 10 11 12 13 14 … Next