Search Search Results You could also try: forever (10), constantly (30), continuously (13), permanently (5), continually (17), every time (238) Fulbright Award takes sickle cell researcher to US DescriptionFulbright Award takes sickle cell researcher to USUrl/about/news/2016/07-19-fulbright-award-takes-sickle-cell-researcher-to-us.aspx BSMS top for student satisfaction DescriptionStudents have put BSMS in first place for overall satisfaction in the National Student Survey (NSS).Url/about/news/2015/08-12-bsms-top-for-student-satisfaction.aspx Exploring-Change-in-Leadership-and-Commissioning-of-Health-and-Social-Care DescriptionExploring Change in Leadership and Commissioning of Health and Social CareUrl/_pdf/about/exploring-change-in-leadership-and-commissioning-of-health-and-social-care.pdf Research Staff and Early Career Researchers DescriptionBSMS is dedicated to supporting the development of its research staff, including post-doctoral researchers, research fellows and Early Career ResearchersUrl/research/early-career-researchers.aspx RMA toolkit for clinicians Feb22 DescriptionRemote memory assessment best practice guidance remote and face-to-face options depending on patient choiceUrl/_pdf/cds/rma-toolkit-for-clinicians-feb22.pdf Student receives offers to study at four medical schools DescriptionMaddie Wood-Field shares her experiences of the BrightMed programme at BSMS and how this helped her receive offers from fourUrl/about/news/2021/05-27-student-receives-offers-to-study-at-four-medical-schools.aspx Meet our team DescriptionRead more about the Department of Medical Education team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/medical-education/meet-the-team.aspx Meet our SPICES team DescriptionRead more about the SPICES team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/spices/spices-team.aspx Research volunteers DescriptionIf you want to be personally involved in any of our ongoing studies, please get in touch at cisc@bsms.acUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cisc/research/research-volunteers.aspx Obituary: Dr Jim Price (1959-2024) DescriptionIt is with great sadness that BSMS announces the passing of Dr Jim Price, a beloved educator, clinician and mentor.Url/about/news/2024/10-01-obituary-dr-jim-price-1959-2024.aspx 111 to 120 of 282 Previous … 10 11 12 13 14 … Next