Search Search Results You could also try: hopeful (19), heartening (3), cheering (4) An Insight into Medical School Admissions Tests - online talk DescriptionAn online, introductory overview of medical school admissions tests (UCAT/BMAT).Url/about/events/2020/06-25-an-insight-into-medical-school-admissions-tests.aspx An Insight into Medical School Admissions Tests - online talk DescriptionAn online, introductory overview of medical school admissions tests (UCAT/BMAT).Url/about/events/2020/06-16-an-insight-into-medical-school-admissions-tests.aspx 12th Annual KSS Paediatric & Neonatal Research Network Symposium DescriptionInformation on the 12th Annual KSS Paediatric & Neonatal Research Network SymposiumUrl/about/events/2019/12-16-12th-annual-kss-paediatric-and-neonatal-research-network-symposium.aspx Information and registration form 2019 DescriptionInformation and registration form 2019 12 neonatal symposiumUrl/_word-docs/information-and-registration-form-2019.doc BSMS BrightMed initiative takes top prize at NEON Awards DescriptionThe BSMS widening participation programme BrightMed has been awarded the Widening Access Initiative (Outreach) award at the 2019 NEON awards.Url/about/news/2019/05-08-bsms-brightmed-initiative-takes-top-prize-at-neon-awards.aspx Psycho-oncologist receives prestigious award DescriptionA cancer psychologist at BSMS has been recognised for her leading role in advancing the science and care of breast cancerUrl/about/news/2019/04-05-psycho-oncologist-receives-prestigious-award.aspx BSMS achieves Athena SWAN Silver Award DescriptionBSMS has been recognised for its commitment to gender equality by achieving the Silver Award as part of the Athena SWANUrl/about/news/2018/05-08-bsms-achieves-athena-swan-silver-award.aspx GP waiting rooms should provide better health education materials DescriptionEffectiveness of health education materials in general practice waiting roomsUrl/about/news/2018/10-23-gp-waiting-rooms-should-provide-better-health-education-materials.aspx Paed and Neonatal symp Information and registration form 2018 DescriptionPaed and Neonatal symp Information and registration form 2018Url/_word-docs/about/paed-and-neonatal-symp-information-and-registration-form-2018.doc Increased places to open up medical career options to those from disadvantaged backgrounds DescriptionIncreased places to open up medical career options to those from disadvantaged backgroundsUrl/about/news/2018/03-19-increased-places-to-open-up-medical-career-options-to-those-from-disadvantaged-backgrounds.aspx 101 to 110 of 292 Previous … 9 10 11 12 13 … Next