Search Search Results You could also try: insert (33), append (11), attach (61), include (1000) BSMS-led project receives funding to tackle three NTDs DescriptionA project which aims to eradicate three neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), podoconiosis, mycetoma and scabies, has been awarded a £3.5Url/about/news/2019/11-07-bsms-led-project-receives-funding-to-tackle-three-ntds.aspx BSMS comes second in the 2019 National Student Survey for medical schools DescriptionStudents have put Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) in second position in the 2019 National Student Survey (NSS) for medicalUrl/about/news/2019/07-03-bsms-comes-second-in-the-2019-national-student-survey-for-medical-schools.aspx Many postmenopausal UK women have disappointing sex lives DescriptionLess than a quarter of postmenopausal UK women are sexually active and a mere 3% are happy with their sex lifeUrl/about/news/2019/07-10-many-postmenopausal-uk-women-have-disappointing-sex-lives.aspx BSMS BrightMed initiative takes top prize at NEON Awards DescriptionThe BSMS widening participation programme BrightMed has been awarded the Widening Access Initiative (Outreach) award at the 2019 NEON awards.Url/about/news/2019/05-08-bsms-brightmed-initiative-takes-top-prize-at-neon-awards.aspx Online information by cosmetic surgeries provides incomplete information on the complications of breast augmentation DescriptionResearch at BSMS has found that websites by cosmetic surgery providers offer incomplete information to prospective patientsUrl/about/news/2018/09-28-online-information-provides-incomplete-information-on-the-complications-of-breast-augmentation.aspx GP waiting rooms should provide better health education materials DescriptionEffectiveness of health education materials in general practice waiting roomsUrl/about/news/2018/10-23-gp-waiting-rooms-should-provide-better-health-education-materials.aspx BSMS ranked third best undergraduate medical school for student satisfaction DescriptionStudents put BSMS in third position in the 2018 National Student Survey (NSS) for medical schoolsUrl/about/news/2018/07-27-bsms-ranked-third-best-undergraduate-medical-school-for-student-satisfaction.aspx Can doctors identify older patients at risk of medication harm following hospital discharge? DescriptionCan doctors identify older patients at risk of medication harm following hospital discharge?Url/about/news/2018/07-03-can-doctors-identify-older-patients-at-risk-of-medication-harm-following-hospital-discharge.aspx 'Complete the course' message for antibiotics should be dropped DescriptionAdvice that patients should complete a course of antibiotics is not supported by evidence and should be dropped, according to researchersUrl/about/news/2017/07-26-complete-the-course-message-for-antibiotics-should-be-dropped.aspx Multi-million pound award boosts research into neglected tropical diseases DescriptionResearch into neglected tropical diseases that cause suffering among some of the world's poorest communities has been given a much-neededUrl/about/news/2017/07-14-multi-million-pound-award-boosts-research-into-neglected-tropical-diseases.aspx 91 to 100 of 311 Previous … 8 9 10 11 12 … Next