Search Search Results You could also try: manufactured goods (12), creation (77), produce (240), invention (4), merchandise (1), artefact (9), result (487) Single-use surgical items contribute two-thirds of carbon footprint of products used in common operations DescriptionA new analysis of the carbon footprint of products used in common surgical operations shows that 68% of carbon contributions comeUrl/about/news/2023/04-14-single-use-surgical-items-contribute-two-thirds-of-carbon-footprint-of-products-used-in-common-operations.aspx environmental-impact-NHS-devices-report-FINALv2 Descriptionenvironmental-impact-NHS-devices-report-FINALv2Url/_pdf/about/environmental-impact-nhs-devices-report-finalv2.pdf Call on MHRA to consider sustainability when regulating medical devices DescriptionBSMS calls on the MHRA to give environmental and social sustainability greater consideration in their regulation of medical devices in theUrl/about/news/2021/12-08-call-on-mhra-to-consider-sustainability-when-regulating-medical-devices.aspx Developing a code list_7.1 DescriptionA guide to developing code listsUrl/_word-docs/developing-a-code-list-7.1.docx Dr Katherine East DescriptionDr Katherine East is a Senior Lecturer in Public Health at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-katherine-east.aspx Patterns and perceptions of non-cigarette tobacco use and barriers and facilitators for cessation DescriptionThis project aims to understand patterns & perceptions of non-cigarette tobacco use & barriers and facilitators for cessation using mixed methods researchUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/patterns-and-perceptions-of-non-cigarette-tobacco-use-and-barriers-and-facilitators-for-cessation.aspx Gender equality work DescriptionLearn more about gender equality work at BSMSUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/gender-equality-work.aspx Dr Chantelle Rizan DescriptionDr Chantelle Rizan is Clinical Lecturer at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-chantelle-rizan.aspx BSMS launches new anatomy interface app DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) launches the Anatomy Laboratory Interface (ALI) to assist students with their remote learning of anatomyUrl/about/news/2021/01-07-bsms-launches-new-anatomy-interface-app.aspx BMJO Hepmarc Protocol DescriptionBMJO Hepmarc ProtocolUrl/_pdf/ctu/bmjo hepmarc protocol.pdf 1 to 10 of 96 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next