Search Search Results You could also try: help (767), aid (164), support (998), backing (276) Rachel Jackson DescriptionRachel Jackson is Project Support Officer for the Department of Global Health and Infection at BSMS.Url/about/contact-us/staff/rachel-jackson.aspx BSMS-Checklist-for-University-Sponsorship DescriptionBSMS Checklist for University SponsorshipUrl/_word-docs/bsms-checklist-for-university-sponsorship.docx Help applying DescriptionThe help applying page will help determine if your application ready for ethics reviewUrl/research/support-and-governance/governance-and-ethics/rgec-hub/help-applying.aspx Jon Mason DescriptionJon Mason is Student Welfare Adviser at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/jon-mason.aspx Stigma Working Group DescriptionBSMS staff in the Global Health and Infection Department have formed an interdisciplinary Stigma Working GroupUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/stigma-working-group.aspx Medical School answers hospital and doctor's call for help DescriptionBSMS answers a call for help from the NHS to provide essential personal protective equipment for frontline workers responding to theUrl/about/news/2020/03-31-medical-school-answers-hospital-and-doctors-call-for-help.aspx Queen recognises student's leadership skills DescriptionBSMS student and Royal Navy Captain, Julie Thain-Smith has been awarded the Queens' Commendation for Valuable Service in the latestUrl/about/news/2015/07-30-queen-recognises-students-leadership-skills.aspx Hangleton and Knoll has got Heart volunteer handbook DescriptionHangleton and Knoll has got Heart volunteer handbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/hangleton-and-knoll-has-got-heart-volunteer-handbook.pdf Data Sharing Agreement - BSMS - Updated August 2020 - Final signed DescriptionData Sharing Agreement - BSMS - Updated August 2020 - Final signedUrl/_pdf/about/data-sharing-agreement-bsms-updated-august-2020-final-signed.pdf TEL Blog DescriptionEvery month, the Technology Enhanced Learning team will post on a variety of topics surrounding the use of technology to supportUrl/about/tel/tel-blog.aspx 1 to 10 of 52 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next