Where can I find Accredited Researcher training?
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
ONS host the Secure Research Service (SRS), a globally recognised service where accredited researchers can access de-identified, unpublished data to work on research projects for the public good.
Accredited Researcher status under the Digital Economy Act 2017 allows researchers to carry out analysis and produce outputs on projects in a Trusted Research Environment (TRE) such as the SRS.
To be a fully accredited researcher, individuals must have an undergraduate degree (or higher) and experience working with statistics or been involved in conducting quantitative research.
Researchers wanting to gain accredited researcher status through ONS should apply for accreditation through the Research Accreditation Service. You can register for the Research Accreditation Service here.
For further details and advice, contact the SRS customer support team on 01329 447871 or email srs.customer.support@ons.gov.uk
Additional information can be found on the ONS webpage.