Symposium: Migrant Stories in Nepalese Literature
A symposium was held on the 20 August 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal to discuss the portrayal of migration stories in contemporary and historical in Nepalese literature. The symposium was attended by a range of stakeholders including migrants and families, writers, journalists, Ministry of Health representatives, and NGOs. The interdisciplinary and ‘novel’ nature of the project was highly praised by the symposium participants.

Symposium: Migration and Transcultural Literature
A team of transdisciplinary researchers engaged in discussion related to migration, transcultural literature and the potential of storytelling in public health. The symposium was held at University of Sussex on 18 September 2019. The speakers included our project partners from Tribhuvan University and Green Tara Nepal, member of Nepalese Gurkha community, as well as the researchers from Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex and University of Kent.

Dr Priya Paudyal shared the project work in a webinar organised by the Nepalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The event took place on 6 December 2020 and was organised by ‘Brain Gain Centre’, a unit at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aiming to work with diaspora Nepali experts and professionals around the world for fostering Nepal’s social and economic progress. Priya joined the distinguished panel along with the Foreign Minister of Nepal, the Nepalese Ambassador to the UK and other senior Nepalese researchers working in the UK.